“The sinners in Zion are afraid;
fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites.
Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire?
who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly…”
Isaiah 33:14 – 15
Gold and silver do not fear the fire for they are not consumed by it, only purified. It is not what we believe that matters; it is what we have become because of what we have believed. This is the DAY of the revelation of the “effect of every vision” (Ezekiel 12:23 – 25) in a man’s life. What we are right now is the culmination of our vision and our faithfulness to it. Every vision has an effect upon a man, and in this day these things are to be made bare.
Two men built a house; one on sand, the other on a rock. Both houses seemed strong, UNTIL the flood came. For the strength of a house is not in the house but in what it is built upon. One man’s house was built on hearing; the other man’s house was built on doing. In the day of ease everything seemed good for both, but it is the storm that reveals the foundation.
It is a time to gather together, a time to assemble for the trumpet is blowing; the four winds are soon to be released. This is the day of substance and reality. This is not a day to speak nice things; it is a day to edify, exhort, and admonish one another that we may be found as gold and silver. For His Presence is coming, His Glory is at Hand and woe be to those who are at ease in Zion; people who have understanding, yet do not realize the implications of this hour. We are at ease when we should be weeping between the porch and the altar seeking God to spare His People in this hour. In our daily lives we should so understand the “terror of the Lord” that we are seeking to persuade men of the time that is at hand. A people who are not content with their preparedness, BUT HAVE A HEART AND A CRY FOR HIS HOUSE, that she would be able to rise up and meet Him as a chaste virgin, pure, spotless and white.
THIS IS THE DAY OF DOING, NOT WAITING; THE DAY OF WALKING in the Love of God to reach out to those around us. It is a day for Love and compassion as we are gripped by HIS HEART for this world. Men who know their day are men who intercede, men who interact with their God to save the Lot’s of this world (Genesis 18:23 – 33); to seek out the hurting, the lost, the defiled and the broken. This is the faith that can and does rise up from its place of comfort to do of His good pleasure while it is yet Today.
Let us gather in true accountability, true desire to become; not to comfort one another in the status quo. “For he that doeth truth cometh to the light…” It is a day of doing truth, having our lives accountable that we might become pure as he is pure. It is in seeking to cover the hidden things that we will surely be consumed in the Holy Fire that will soon walk in our midst. This is the day of mercy, the day of opportunity to rise up and walk in forgiveness, in openness of heart and purity of soul. May the Lord stir us in this hour to turn from our present ways that we might be found in HIM with a righteousness that is able to “dwell with the everlasting burnings” of His presence.
Brian Troxel
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