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By January 24, 20162 Comments



(Of a Five Part Series)

“Hearken unto me ye that follow after righteousness…”

“Hearken unto me, my people…O my Nation”

“Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness”

The word spoken to the people of God in this hour is a word of encouragement, warning and exhortation prefaced by a powerful word… “HEARKEN”. In the book of Hebrews we are exhorted:

“While it is said,
today if ye will hear his voice,
harden not your hearts”
Hebrews 3:15, 4:7

His voice is speaking; it is calling the people of God to recognize the Day and the HOUR that is upon us. These words in Isaiah are for the entire body of Christ. There is a “Hearken” to those who are just beginning their journey of faith with a word of encouragement and exhortation to continue in ardent pursuit of their God. There is a different “Hearken” to the majority of the people of God who have become “relaxed and comfortable in this world”; to those there is a strong word of Exhortation and Rebuke. And finally there is a Word of Encouragement to those who “know their God” to fear not the day and the persecutions that are coming because the righteousness of God that has been formed within their lives.

“Hearken, Hearken, Hearken”

This is the Word to HIS church. Hearken and give heed to the day that is upon us. No matter our present level of maturity and development HE IS SPEAKING. Let us give ear to His Word and obey His instruction that we may lay it to heart and rise up in the strength of it. May we be found ready to meet the Day with our lamps trimmed, our hearts purified by His refining fires and our eyes set upon heavenly things.

Let us hear while it is yet TODAY and give HEED to His counsel. For it is a day of great darkness, even gross darkness, as wickedness will cover the earth as a garment and the fury of all that is opposed to the Reign and Kingdom of God will come to utter fullness. It is also a DAY of great Glory “as the morning spread upon the mountains” for those who live and dwell under the shadow of the MOST HIGH! Let us enter into the stronghold of our God. To face this storm not clothed in HIS armour and His righteousness is an unimaginable tragedy, for the provisions HAVE been given and the invitations sent.

*NOTE: This was a word given to me in March of 2010 however I felt no liberty to share it until now. I trust it will bear fruit unto Him in this hour as we sense HIS WARNINGS unto us to be ready and prepared for the day that is upon us. Whatever stage we are at in our walk with HIM there is the WORD of the Lord unto us to “HEARKEN” and RESPOND to His Call.

Brian Troxel


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