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Faith and Works

Trust – The Fruit of Relationship

By July 23, 2021November 9th, 2023No Comments

Trust – The Fruit of Relationship

Trust is the fruit developed by our own experience in Christ. Obedience is the commodity that requires faith to step into the will of God. Faith is the divine impulse within the heart that desires to do His will, trust is the ground upon which our feet are able to move forward. The more one steps into the will of God the greater will be the depth of our trust in Him.

Let us venture our all upon Him. Let us leave the mists of words without deeds, promises which remain unfulfilled and life lived within the “safety” of mediocrity.

“Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught”
Luke 5:4

Can we not hear Him speaking the words of inspiration and faith; “launch out into the depths of Him” where the safety of the shore is abandoned into the wonder of doing His Will! Can we not feel the beckoning of Him calling us out to the depths within our own being to cast ourselves upon the promises of the God who cannot fail.

“Commit thy way unto the Lord;
trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass”
Psalm 37:5


“Abide in Me says, Jesus. Cling to Me. Stick fast to Me. Live the life of close and intimate communion with Me. Get nearer to Me. Roll every burden on Me. Cast your whole weight on Me. Never let go your hold on Me for a moment. Be, as it were, rooted and planted in Me. Do this and I will never fail you. I will ever abide in you”
– J. C. Ryle

Brian Troxel

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