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Exegesis on the Law of the Leper

The Sanctified Walk – Excerpt from coming book

By November 15, 2016January 12th, 20242 Comments


The Blood Sanctifies our Walk

“…and Moses took of the blood of it,
and put it upon …
the great toe of his right foot”
Leviticus 8:23

Those who pursue the consecrated life know deep within their hearts this one truth: to be chosen by God requires a walking in His ways and a forsaking of their own. The consecrated life is a life chosen by God*(see Note). It is a life which has been “set” as a jewel in the Ephod of the High Priest. No one takes this honor upon one’s self; it is the result of God’s call and our obedience. It is a life chosen by God as a consequence of being faithful to Him and loving Him to such an extent as to walk in His Ways and to do of His good pleasure.

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord,
who hath enabled me,
for that he counted me faithful,
putting me into the ministry
1 Timothy 1:12

It was God who “set” Paul into the ministration of the risen Christ; not because he had Bible school credentials but because God found him faithful. It is here that we must avail ourselves of His grace, for faithfulness is measured in the walking and choosing of His ways over our own. The Blood applied to the right toe signifies a sanctified walk in which we are “set apart” for His service and His ways. The Blood speaks of far more than a doctrinal setting apart; it is in itself the power and the divine enablement to do so. The Life of Christ in the Blood is ever to this one end; to cause a child of God to become in all ways like the One whose nature we have received.

“But as many as received him,
to them gave he power to become the sons of God”
John 1:12

The glory of the New Covenant is not one of adherence to a teaching. It is in the power of the Living Christ so dwelling in us that we become sons of God! It is in our daily drinking of Him and eating of Him that He is assimilated into our very being and His Life becomes our life. The result is something far deeper than an outward imitation or observance which will always leave men and women falling short of the true, authentic life of Jesus. Hypocrisy is always the result of desiring to live rightly without the inward reality of His Life. Teaching, as necessary and good as it is, must culminate in the acquisition of the Life of the Son. Ministry, which does not press the hearers into their own encounter with Him who is the Life, will leave them bereft of the power and validity of it.

“Even the Spirit of truth;
whom the world cannot receive,
because it seeth him not,
neither knoweth him: but ye know him;
for he dwelleth with you, and shall be IN you”
John 14:17

God, revealed in the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Spirit of Truth, was not meant to dwell with His people but rather to dwell within them. While Jesus walked this earth God’s revelation was Emanuel (God with us) but by His death and resurrection He is now in us and we are made partakers of His Nature. The glory of the New Covenant is that we (by grace) are given power to live and walk by a new and living way, “Christ in us, the Hope of Glory”. He is our Hope, He is our strength and in Him we can walk uprightly by a living faith that draws from His veins the Life of God Himself.

The Blood has not only purchased our forgiveness but has brought us into the realm of His Life and Grace. Those who are consecrated as revealed in the Blood being applied to the “big toe” must walk in His ways. The power of the Blood is our access to His life and grace. Therefore the glory of the Gospel is not just His forgiveness but also the partaking of His nature.

“When Christ, who is our life, shall appear,
then shall ye also appear with him in glory”
Colossians 3:4

Appearing with Him in Glory is the result of Christ being our life. It is not a believing on Him it is a believing into Him.

*NOTE While there are several Hebrew words translated “consecration” the one which refers to the setting of Aaron (and his sons) into the priesthood of the Old covenant is revealing in terms of it speaking directly of God choosing men rather than man choosing God. It is the same Hebrew word used to describe the cut and polished precious stones being “set” into the priestly ephod (Ex 25:7, Ex 35:9, Ex 35:27, 1 Chr 29:2) The setting in of these stones was based upon a finished work of the craftsman. God sets those who are faithful, compliant and obedient into places of ministry unto Him. No man takes this honor unto himself; it is the result of God’s choosing and our faithfulness (1Timothy 1:12 and 2Timothy 2:21)

מִלֻּא millûʼ
Total KJV Occurrences: 15
consecration, 7
Ex 29:22, Ex 29:26-27 (2), Ex 29:31, Lev 8:22, Lev 8:29, Lev 8:33
consecrations, 4
Ex 29:33-34 (2), Lev 7:37, Lev 8:28, Lev 8:31
set, 4
Ex 25:7, Ex 35:9, Ex 35:27, 1 Chr 29:2

In the instances where this Hebrew word is used it is only translated either in the consecration of the High Priest and his sons or in the precious stones being set in the Ephod. This speaks of God ordaining the vessel which will minister unto Him. Many are called to such a place but few there be that are chosen. The truth of this is revealed in the New Covenant; “many are called; few are chosen”. The Greek used in the corresponding scripture reads:

πολλοί γαρ εισι κλητοί ολίγοι δε εκλεκτοί
For many are called, but few are chosen
For many are called, few are selected

Peter goes on to say…

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall”
2 Peter 1:10

It is by our diligence to do the will of God that we make our call and election sure. Being called is the beginning of our salvation. We are constantly reminded in the New Testament to “Press toward the mark”, “Let us go on to perfection…” The Call of God is to righteousness, purity of heart and holiness without which no man shall see God. Men and women who linger in a passive and apathetic approach to God will suffer grave consequences now and in the life to come. The Call of God goes forth to all creation. His heart is such that none should perish. In the Book of Revelation the voice of God calls out to His own to come out of Babylon lest they partake of her judgements and her plagues. If His people partake of her sins they will surely partake of His judgements. The Blood will not circumvent a disobedient life.

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues”
Revelation 18:4

A Blood washed life cannot linger in the sins of the world. A Blood washed life is one that keeps the way of the Lord and will not walk in the way of sinners nor stand in the council of the ungodly (Psalm 1:1). It is the faithfulness of our daily walk that makes our “calling and election sure”.

Brian Troxel


  • Tim Shey says:

    “Appearing with Him in Glory is the result of Christ being our life. It is not a believing on Him it is a believing into Him.”

    Amen. Christ is not an object, Christ is the subject: Christ within us. We are not here to know about Him; we are here to know Him intimately: to have the Holy Ghost Fire constantly burning within us.

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