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The Reward of Humility

“The reward of humility is the fear of Jehovah*
Proverbs 22:5 (LITV)

Humility is the core of a soul on fire to know God. The truly humble know their need for dependence on God. All our life experiences and hopes are summed up in our relationship with God in Christ. Without a true knowledge of God, there will be no fear of Him.

“by the fear of the Lord
men depart from evil”
Proverbs 16:6

The living truth of Christ is imparted to free us from all sin.

“And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free”
John 8:32

In this day of much knowledge of the scriptures, innumerable teachings from the imaginations of men, and every conceivable resource at our fingertips, we see little evidence of this freedom of which Christ spoke. The truth of Christ brings us the freedom to express His person and life. The extent of my apprehension of truth is revealed in a growing expression of humility and His likeness.

“he that doeth evil hath not seen God”
3 John 1:11

Every form of evil is a result of spiritual blindness. If I refuse to forgive another, it is because I have not truly been impacted by His forgiveness. I can speak of forgiveness, and I can teach forgiveness, but in reality, I know little of this aspect of Him.

It is in our everyday interaction with Him that the chief graces of humility are formed. It is not in ignoring our wretchedness, but in the acknowledgment of it, that humility is born. It is a temper of heart that creates within us a true understanding of our place before God; a recognition of our need for His Life to become ours.

To whom does God look?

“but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor
and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word
Isaiah 66:2

There are too few who tremble at His Word. There are too many with self-importance and coldness of heart, untouched and oblivious to the power of the eternal word nor our accountability to it. Men without humility teach their own gospel; they make allowances for their own sins and the growing sexual perversity in our land. They care little for the walk and the condition of their brothers and sisters. This spiritual blindness results in the fear of man rather than God.

Amidst this lukewarm atmosphere IN HIS HOUSE, the world becomes darkened and void of the Light that God has given: you and me. (“Ye are the light of the world”). Rather than focusing on the darkness out there in the world, we must acknowledge that our own light has grown dim; that Light that is to shine into the darkness through His own.

Pride is the reason we do not see the fear of the Lord in His house. There is a blindness that casts stones at those who do not know Him while we ignore our own insolence. It was the blind Pharisees who justified themselves and had contempt for the world around them.

“The reward of humility is the fear of Jehovah”
Proverbs 22:5 (LITV)

Humility is the fruit of SEEING HIM. In our seeing of Him we will know of the “fear of the Lord” in a corresponding depth of our seeing Him (Revelation 1:17). Those who see not, fear not. It is the blind who remain in their sins, who speak flippantly of His truths, not comprehending the Day of Judgment we must all face.

“Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent,
we may be accepted of him”
2 Corinthians 5:9

Why did Paul and the early church labor in their walk before God?

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”
2 Corinthians 5:10

What temper of heart did this truth produce in Paul?

Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord,
we persuade men…”
2 Corinthians 5:11

Paul’s understanding of God was a result of his humility before God. This brought him to the truth and reality of the “fear of the Lord”. There is a sensitivity to His presence that is sorely lacking in our Day. May He move afresh in our midst that we may turn from our ways in deep repentance. May the “fear of the Lord” cause His Light to shine through vessels clothed in the humility of Christ.

“The secret of Jehovah is with those who fear Him;
and He will make them know His covenant.”
Psalm 25:14

Related Post: The Fear of the Lord

“Christian, let God’s distinguishing love to you be a motive to you to fear Him greatly. He has put His fear in your heart, and may not have given that blessing to your neighbor, perhaps not to your husband, your wife, your child, or your parent. Oh, what an obligation should this thought lay upon your heart to greatly fear the Lord! Remember also that this fear of the Lord is His treasure, a choice jewel, given only to favorites, and to those who are greatly beloved.”
John BunyanAuthor of Pilgrim’s Progress

*NOTE: All of the literal translations of the bible translate this verse the same way. (LITV, LSV, and Young’s Literal Translation YLT)

Brian Troxel


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