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The Real Love

“Lovest thou me?”
John 21:15

“He who doesn’t love me
doesn’t keep my words…”
John 14:24

Jesus clarifies the verity of an individual’s love for Him. The criteria are simple as is the faith to walk in it. Many may declare their allegiance to Him, they may pray, they may speak of deep and esoteric things, they may ascribe to teachings and associations, but the Spirit of Christ cuts to the core. Obedience reveals the truth of our hearts toward Him.

Isaiah declares who it is that God sets His eye upon:

“…but I will look to this man, even to he who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my word
Isaiah 66:2

One who understands the enormity of God’s Word, and the inherent need to draw from Him the grace to walk in it, captures His notice. The religious readily acknowledge His Word yet feel no need to honour it with a life of obedience. They are not loving Him for who HE is, but for the sake of easing their conscience. They ascribe to His Salvation but not to His Lordship; they use grace to absolve themselves of the doing. They find refuge in His promises but remain unaffected by the power and love of Him through which the heart becomes subservient to that Word.

Jesus asks a penetrating question:

“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord,
and do not the things which I say?”
Luke 6:46

There is no time like the present to face the truth concerning our relationship with Him. Jesus does not leave us with any ambiguity as to our condition. Do not let the obscurity of a false gospel blind us to His clear word. Religion will rob God’s Word of its authority and leave the conscience untouched. Rather let us allow the Word to strike our hearts with His full power and intent.

“He who doesn’t love me
doesn’t keep my words…”
John 14:24

The litmus test for our heart is not in what we know, how well we pray, or in how many good things we may involve ourselves. The proof of our love for Him is always obedience.

“If ye love me,
keep my commandments”
John 14:15

The true life is the simple life.

Those who truly love will truly obey.

Allow nothing else to cloud our hearts. Let our growing obedience to Him be the sole measure of our love. Love always serves the object of its desire. Those who love themselves will end up serving themselves – even in the Name of God. Those who love Him, serve only Him.

“…having been perfected,
He came to be the Author of eternal salvation
to all the ones obeying Him
Hebrews 5:9

“God Himself – His thoughts, His will, His love, His judgments are men’s home. To think His thoughts, to choose His will, to judge His judgments, and thus to know that He is in us, with us, is to be at home”
– George MacDonald

See: Love and Lethargy

Brian Troxel

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