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The Ministry of the Word

“But we will give ourselves continually to prayer,
and to the ministry of the word…”
Acts 6:4

Prayer is the precursor to our involvement in the ministry of the Word. Without knowing Him we may convey a knowledge of the scriptures but be unable to communicate HIM who is The Word.

“That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”
Philemon 1:6

Ministry is the “communication of our faith”; not words, teachings or methodologies. How is our “communication” of faith made effectual? By an inward knowing and acknowledging of the “good thing” He has deposited in us. The precious thing God has placed in another has little effect on the ministration we are to be. It is in knowing what He has gifted to us that we are able to “effectively” communicate His Life to another.

May we savor the words “become effectual”. This speaks of a growth in our understanding of that “good thing” He has placed within us. As we develop in our relationship with Him, as we walk obediently in the light He gives, the ministration of Him will influence those around us. The effectiveness of our “communication” will be in proportion to our knowing Him and understanding the gift He has given into our care. (read the Parable of the Talents)

Prayer and communion are the launchpad into the world around us. His personal call to us grows according to the measure of our obedience that comes from time spent with Him.

The true living faith of Christ within an individual burns with an intensity to make Him known. The manner of that expression is in our discovery of who He is within us. Paul the apostle, Agabus the prophet, Timothy the evangelist, other teachers and shepherds in His great house (singular) were and are all varied expressions of Him.

The question of Jesus to each of His disciples is this:

“And he saith unto them,
But whom say ye that I am?”
Mark 8:29

Do we effectively communicate who we say that He is in the manner of the life we live and the faith we share?

“Whom say ye?”

The question is personal. It is the probing question of the Living Christ unto each of us. It is the eternal question that will determine our standing at the Judgment Seat of Christ. A life lived unto itself has not touched His heart. A life unmoved for others does not know the love of God in Christ.

“For God so loved the world
That He gave His Son…”
John 3:16

The fire of His love cannot be manufactured; it is a love we receive. It is given to us in the person of Christ and purified by the burning of His Spirit within us.

“He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him”
John 7:18

Selflessness in ministry is the result of His righteousness being formed within. There are siftings and dealings with Him in our times of prayer and communion. In His presence we are faced with our own impurities and selfish pursuits; we secretly desire the accolades of men. Left to ourselves we will never touch that cleansing fountain of blood that frees us from the contamination of self-seeking, self-sufficiency and resulting barrenness.

The journey of each of His children is summed up in a personal knowing of Him and the “effectual communication” of our own faith into the lives of others.

“But we will give ourselves continually to prayer,
and to the ministry of the word…”
Acts 6:4

For Christ to be clearly seen,
the vessel must first clearly see Christ.

How desperate are we to bear the same testimony that characterized Paul?

“And they glorified God in me”
Galatians 1:24

See related post: Prayer and Communion

Brian Troxel


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