“The days of visitation are come,
the days of recompense are come”
His return is directly related to judgment and recompense. To the faithful His return is one of rewards and glory; to the disobedient and slothful a day of reckoning and recompense. To those who know Him not it is the day of great judgment. His coming has many aspects; the refiner’s fire, the owner of the vineyard, the King of the pounds and talents, the Chief Shepherd and many other expressions that indicate far more about His return than just taking His people to a city with streets of gold. The propagation of flippant teachings regarding His return will have to be answered for.
It is a KING that is returning to bring justice, equity and righteousness to this world that has rejected Him and His Salvation. It is the DAY of the LORD; a day in which His ministers in the earth will give an account for what was taught and how they conducted their lives. He is coming and it is time for us to turn our hearts to Him that we would be purified in the burning Fire of His presence even from the things we cannot see! I am responsible even for the things I am not aware of for He will search us out and reveal our hidden places if we ask Him to do so.
David cried out in Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart…” The Hebrew Verb used here is only used in reference to God (never to man) for it is a word that means to bring something forth out of nothing. We need the creative power of the Son at work in our hearts to bring forth a clean heart. A Religion that short circuits the desperate cry of the human heart with nice teachings, smooth words, dissertations of future events, and programs that keep His people from the power of the cry of an honest heart, will suffer great sorrow in the days ahead. The Church of Laodicea was a church that thought they were “rich and had need of nothing” and they knew not that they were “poor, wretched, blind, miserable and naked”. God is never angry with a people because of their condition, for that is why He came! His anger is because in spite of their need they said “I am rich…” Wrong teaching produces wrong living. If there is no change, there is no growth. If we are not growing from faith unto faith, strength unto strength and glory unto glory then we need to consider our ways.
It is a Day to sound the ALARM; to cry out against the infiltration of sin and destruction in the church. It is a DAY to raise the standard of His righteousness and HIS PROVISION for men to be FREE. If there is no provision for Sin, no provision for those bound up in the wages of Sin, then it is time to close the doors and stop the show. It is utter folly to preach against SIN if there is no provision for it. A POWERLESS GOSPEL BRINGS FORTH POWERLESS LIVING.
“And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty
and your faith is also empty”
A RISEN CHRIST is the only provision that we have for victory over SIN. Empty preaching comes from hearts that know not HIS power or HIS resurrection. Today we can have victory over the temptations of this world BECAUSE HE LIVES and because HE LIVES WE CAN LIVE ALSO.
“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness
in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world”
I JOHN 4:17
Brian Troxel