Sowing and Reaping
“He that goeth forth and weepeth,
bearing precious seed,
shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
bringing his sheaves with him”
Psalm 126:6
Those who sow precious seed, and carry with it the burden of the Word of the Lord, have this promise…they “shall doubtless come again with rejoicing”. The mere teaching of the word without the tears and burden of the Spirit will never touch the joy of such things. The weeping must precede the rejoicing; the sowing must precede the reaping. To sow in faith one must see by faith the ONE who is the SEED itself. The sowing is carried out for the Glory of the ONE who is to receive all praise and honor. Our reaping will be according to our sowing and our tears. The desire to communicate the Life of the SON unto His own must be the impetus and purpose of all ministrations. The words that HE speaks they are “spirit and they are life”. So too we must come into union with HIM who is the source of all good things; without HIM there is no life or purpose. The desire to see God’s people arise and walk must be the mere echo of the TRUE Shepherd who has laid down HIS LIFE for US! If we are touching HIS LIFE that will become the pulse of our own.
We have too long tarried at the tree of knowledge speaking of things about God; discourse after discourse, sermon after sermon, without change and without the rising up of God’s people. Fruit is the corresponding revelation to that which is sowed. We need not look very far to see the issue of the hour. Where there is no breaking forth of the people of God there is a priesthood that has ministered the Word without the Spirit. We live in a generation that desires to hear only good things, smooth things, and words that encourage without accountability. The LOVE of TRUTH has hit such lows that even the people of God refuse to receive admonition and reproof. They have become settled on their lees, comfortable and ignorant of the hour that is about to break. The storm is about to break and the Spirit of God is speaking “who will tell them”. Reproof and admonition is not about our pride it is about truth. Truth ministered in such a way that it will MAKE ME TRUE from the inside out. The true sowing of the Spirit is to bring about a harvest unto HIM. It is about presenting HIS people as a chaste virgin unto Christ. It is not about US, our little fellowship, our church or whatever. It is about us being able to be pure in thought, word and deed. This purity of heart is the lens through which we are able to SEE God (Matthew 5:8).
Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they refused HIM who is true, they refused to be gathered under the wings of His protection, they chose religion over truth and they perished in the greatest genocide the human race has known up until now.
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
thou that killest the prophets,
and stonest them which are sent unto thee,
how often would I have gathered
thy children together,
even as a hen gathereth
her chickens under her wings,
and ye would not!
Behold, your house is left unto you
Matthew 23:37-38
Desolation is the result of rejecting the Word of the Lord. Even in this hour, while it is yet DAY, may the true ministers of the Lord “weep between the porch and the Altar, saying spare Thy people…”. These prayers and the demonstration of such a heart can only come from the lives of those who KNOW HIS HEART. Those who are still trying to build up “their” own church, fellowship or ministry will never touch the CRY of HIS SPIRIT for HIS House and HIS inheritance. We see the revelation of the true elders in the heavens casting their crowns (their accomplishments) away at the name of Jesus, worshipping HIM who is worthy of all praise and adoration. Self has been set aside. The desire for the praise of our brethren is meaningless for there has been a touching of His heart and glimpses of a GLORY which is utterly transcendent. It is to this end we sow and weep knowing that we will “DOUBTLESS come again with rejoicing” bringing our sheaves and laying them at HIS feet!
“Unto HIM be glory in the church
by Christ Jesus throughout all ages,
world without end
Brian Troxel
We smiled and laughed a lot, and sometimes shed lots of tears because we realized how the shepherd had sacrificed himself for them.
Bless God in abundance. Second Coming of Jesus Christ is in a short time.