Persecution Post – Middle East
Persecution Post
“On August 3, Ahmed (name changed), a convert from Islam, was murdered by a tribe of Islamist extremists because of his faith in Christ. He leaves behind his wife and many young children. We are now asking for your prayers for his family as we help them make a harrowing escape from the tribe that is intent upon murdering them, too.
When he was 14, Ahmed was intrigued by the story of Jesus’s birth as told in the Quran. Years later, he searched to learn more about Jesus and found a pastor who helped him study the Gospel of Matthew. Ahmed fell in love with Christ…and he and his wife, Sadiqa (name changed), decided to follow Jesus.
When his family found out about his faith, they kicked him out of the house. He moved to a new city, and his tribe tracked him down and held him at gunpoint. Later, armed men broke into his home. He kept moving from place to place, and his family tormented him.
But, this past week, his tribe found him…and murdered him. Sadiqa, completely distraught, reported it to the police, and she was sent to the chief of the town, who kept trying to force her to revert to Islam. He tricked her and turned her family over to a militia group. He was brutal to them, beating the mother and oldest son to the point that both thought they would die.”
Friends are helping her and the children to escape. May we consider our troubles in the light of our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.
Related Post: Persecution Post – Nigeria 3
“Remember them that are in bonds,
as bound with them…”
Hebrews 13:3
You should share this story with Voice of the Martyrs.
, c.a.
I agree .
May the Army of The Lord that protected Elisha be present as these little ones belonging to Him find safe harbor? I gave this a like but not because I liked what has happened, but because we need to keep our family in constant prayer around this world in these days before Messiah will return.
Yes amen. Heart breaking. The steadfast courage of these precious ones are both encouraging and convicting. It is only when we view these things through the perspective of eternity and the joy that awaits all who remain true to Him.
Blessings my brother
My heart goes out to Ahmed’s family during this incredibly difficult time. The courage and faith shown by Ahmed, despite the severe persecution he faced, is truly inspiring. I will be keeping his family in my thoughts and prayers, especially as they navigate this perilous situation. It’s a powerful reminder of the challenges many face for their beliefs, and it calls us to support and uplift our global Christian family in their suffering.
Hello Willie
Yes amen – I support a group of individuals who are on the ground and live in these countries risking their own lives to aid, support and seek to help them escape to safer countries. They often send out stories of faith and incredible courage concerning our brothers and sisters in the Middle East.
That is awesome. What a Blessing.
Please pray with me daily for the bride of Christ and as the Spirit would lead and enable support financially.
Tuesday 6 August 2024
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North Korea’s songbun system classifies citizens according to their perceived loyalty to the state. The Korean word “songbun” means “ingredients” (substance, makeup), but the North Korean political structure applies the word to identify a citizen’s socio-political background. Those with religious belief, and especially Christians, are identified as belonging to the “hostile” class and are considered enemies of the state who need to be imprisoned and, in many cases, executed. Please continue to pray for Christians facing imprisonment, torture and death for their faithfulness in obeying God rather than men (Acts 4:19). Pray that through their courageous witness the Church will continue to grow in North Korea.
Yes – Amen. It is one of the most repressive places on earth.
We mourne with them, knowing that trials and tribulations will follow those who have placed their faithin Jesus Christ.
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”
Hebrews 12:2-3
For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds” A very powerful reminder what the sinless One endured on our behalf.
Blessings Brother
So often we forget to pray for those suffering. May we remember.
Yes – Amen. It is hard to comprehend the hatred and the violence that our brothers and sisters face on a daily basis.
Hebrews 12:1-3 AMP
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of [a]witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us,
2 [looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, [b]disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work].
3 Just consider and meditate on Him who endured from sinners such bitter hostility against Himself [consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
a. Hebrews 12:1 I.e. the people commended for their faith in ch 11. See 11:2, 39.
b. Hebrews 12:2 Sometimes the public shame of the cross is overlooked when one thinks of the pain and agony inflicted by it, but in the Roman Empire crucifixion was a shameful and disgraceful way to die, a form of capital punishment from which Roman citizens were exempt; and in Roman comedy it was used in a curse: “Go to a bad cross!”
May we “count it all joy” in our walk with Him where our life in Him discovers the “fellowship of HIS sufferings” because we are walking in His Life and purpose…
Been away for a bit in ministry the great joy of life!
Our Jesus endured the hellish horror and apogee agony of the cross for the supernal, eternal joy set before Him, which joy was to bless with loving obedience His affirming Abba and gloriously take wholeheartedly to Himself a bride most cherished above all creation. The preeminent promise of endless, ecstatic elation in the face and favor of His fondest Father and the face of us, His beautified and blessed bride, exceeded enormously the pain and the shame of the cross of crucifixion which was by fallen man incomparably cruel but by the One All-Magnificent Triune God Who Is Love Almighty ineffably compassionate.
My passionate prayer is that we, each one our Creator’s individually unique idea and ideation, for the effulgent, everlasting joy of exulting in and extolling our Bridegroom-King and gladdening and glorifying our Abba’s ardently affectionate heart set before us, shall as the colossally cherished and committedly cared for church, be all the more willing to take up our cross of crucifixion daily, following ever more intimately our forever First Love, in Whom we live and move and have our being as our Meaning, our Purpose, our Direction, our eternal and exceedingly great Reward.
I had a dream in 2013 tha I feel goes along with the re-blog of this post. Listen and read. Then ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart.
Early the morning of , 03/24/2013, I had a dream just before waking. What I saw in the dream was truly frightening. What was taking place in the dream was Christians, many Christians, were being told to deny Jesus. Those that refused were beheaded. What I saw was Christians in shackles being lead up to a place where they were told to deny Christ. When they didn’t, they were kneeling down and placed their head in a carved put piece of wood that looked like the bottom half of a guillotine. What was remarkable is that no one fought to save his/her life. They were like lambs lead to the slaughter. Those being beheaded did not fight because they were ready to meet their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What dawned on me in the dream was that Muslims behead people.
I was not given a time frame in the dream as to when this will occur and anything more on my part would be speculation. Could the Antichrist arise out of the Muslim nations? Again this is nothing more than speculation as I was not told any of this. Furthermore, I was not given a time frame on when this will occur, I.e., post, mid, or pre-tribulation. Once again for me to say when would be pure speculation.
As I was pondering the dream, I saw, in a vision, the man dressed in black with a very large sword in his hand who had been doing the beheading of Christians. This man turned towards me and pointed at me with his sword and said, ” are you ready to die for your faith
These are true visions of what is to come. The church is sleeping… unaware of the day that is about to dawn. The foolishness of much of today’s gospel is one of slumber and lies while the enemy is infiltrating a large part of the landscape His own slumber… A tragic day for the foolish virgins…
I hope others will read the vision given…