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Grow In Grace

“But grow in grace”
2 Peter 3:18

The New Covenant is a ministration of His grace, power, and life. The language of God pulsating throughout the New Testament scriptures denotes movement, growth, and exhortations to “go on,” “obtain,” and “apprehend.” There is nothing static about the press of the “Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.”

Peter’s last written words to the people of God, before he was to be martyred for his testimony of Jesus, was to “grow in grace.” There is something latent within the hearts of those in whom the Love of God resides. We do not see Peter pleading for prayers and legal intervention concerning his “departure.” His concern was for the quality of the faith residing in The Church.

But I deem it right, so long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by a reminder, knowing that the putting off of my tabernacle is soon, as indeed our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. And I will also be diligent to cause you always to have memory of these things after my departure.”
2 Peter 3:13-15

May God grant us the power of His Spirit to so interact with His people to “stir up” their hearts to grow in grace:

“by giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity” (2 Peter 1:5-7)

The writer of the Book of Hebrews is passionately urging the people of God to “go on” into the deeper ministrations of His Spirit:

“Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment…”
Hebrews 6:1-2 (NJKV)

“But Grow in Grace”

Many today would not comprehend the above exhortation. To many, grace is something we receive and not a wonder into which we are exhorted to grow. May we consider the consequence of God’s true grace imparted to those who walk carefully before Him.

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.”
Titus 2:11-12

Grace is the means that leads us to godly living. It is that ever present power that moves us to make decisions whereby we renounce ungodly passions and lead godly lives in this “present age”. It is an affront to the mercy of God to receive the person of Christ into our lives only to refuse the workings of His grace within.

There is a stern warning to which we would do well to take heed:

“Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The Lord will judge His people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
Hebrew 10:29-31

In our day, we see the unraveling of morals, the slow but inexorable trend away from holiness, and the acceptance of sin in our ranks, all in the name of grace!

“For certain men stole in, those of old having been written before to this judgment, ungodly ones perverting the grace of our God into unbridled lust, and denying the only Master, God, even our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Jude 1:4 (LITV)

Jude goes on:

“But I intend to remind you, you once knowing these things, that the Lord having saved a people out of the land of Egypt, in the second place destroyed the ones not believing.”
Jude 1:5 (LITV)

The early church knew this sobering truth: The Lord, having saved a people out of Egypt, also destroyed the ones who did not believe. How we have strayed from the primitive truth that galvanized and purified those who were recipients of God’s grace.

Paul also speaks of these same preachers/teachers who handled the truth in unrighteousness and perverted the grace of God into sensuality. (Or, as one Greek scholar translates the word, “absence of restraint”).

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.”
Romans 1:18 (ESV)

Within the church and without, the wrath of God will be revealed against ALL who suppress the truth: those who teach salvation apart from the fear of the Lord, those who suppress the call to holiness and purity of heart, those who preach a gospel for the masses that does not include the sharp sword of the Spirit whereby men and women may be made free from sin.

The day of judgment is upon us. The loose morals of a “seeker-friendly” gospel that has infiltrated the church of our day in our land will be laid bare. The folly of a gospel that allows for drunkenness, adultery, and all forms of sinful and deviant behavior, all in the name of grace, hastens the day of judgment.

“ ’twas grace that taught my heart to fear…”

May we grasp the age-old truths of the power and the purpose of grace. It was grace that saved me from a life of multiple addictions, some instantaneously, while others were and are forsaken by the ongoing growth of grace within my heart. Faith is the inspiration and grace, the power to war, a good warfare that we may stand at the last overcome by a grace that will present us faultless before His Throne in Glory (Jude 1:21-24).

The promises of God to every generation are presented to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation: “To him that overcometh…” The promises are spoken to the church in every region, yet only to those who overcome the culture and the error of their respective locations are the promises fulfilled. The admonition that preceded every promise offered:

“He who has an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
To him who overcomes, I will give…”

Related Post: Grace The Power Of God

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“If grace does not make us differ from other men,
it is not the grace which God gives His elect.”
Charles Spurgeon



  • Tough words Brian, but much needed. Oh how we need Him. Thanks brother for the truth presented here.

    • Brian T. says:

      It is my hope that the things I share are not harsh… my need to stay seeking Him and pursuing a greater apprehension of Him is paramount having just turned 70 and having heart issues make me more aware of how short life is here. I appreciate your interaction and pray for His blessings on you and your family.

  • Curleen Johnson says:

    Amen! Love this quote by Charles Spurgeon, “If grace does not make us differ from other men, it is not the grace which God gives His elect.” Oh God I thank you!🙌

    • Brian T. says:

      Yes how blessed we are that we have others who have gone before us with such words for us to give heed to!

      May we stay the course!

  • Indeed, this imperative message from the God of all grace is A Word in Season. Thanks be to the One Beautiful God for you, beloved brother.

    Grace as I perceive and receive it is undeserved mercy and unmerited favor for divine enablement and holy empowerment to will and to do of our King’s positive and proper pleasure. Unless my Kinsman Redeemer saves me, read: rescues me relentlessly from myself, I shall never be saved to that perfect day of graduation to the holy, happy highlands of heaven hereafter.

    Primary prayer the One Triune God Who Is Love blessedly breathes through me, and therefore deeply delights to honor, is to vivify and fortify my heart with love for Himself and my fellow man, to in rich reality and ardent actuality see Him as He is, to see myself as He sees me, and to see others as He sees them. Such I do not doubt at all gives me to be more receptive of, responsive to and responsible with His grace in apprehending that for which my Savior and Sanctifier, Jesus of Nazareth, my Forever First Love and my All Magnificent Obsession, has so graciously apprehended me, even me.

    Let everything that has breath and every breath of our lives, by His inimitably and intimizing grand and glorious grace, exult in and extol Him from Whom all grace grows and faithfully flows, before, above and beyond all else, in every moment, movement and matter of our graced being.

    Incendiumata Amoriolio

    • Brian T. says:

      So good to hear from you and appreciate the kind and encouraging words. I stop by your blog once in a while and will continue to do so. Would love to hear more of your personal story and your current situation. You can (if you like) send it to my email I will not post it.

      Blessings to you

  • pcviii03 says:

    “Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment…”
    Hebrews 6:1-2 (NJKV)

    I love this verse that speaks of the highest pursuit for believers to go on to full maturity, being able to prove all things and hold fast that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
    Because there is a diversity of doctrines that do not agree proves that all things have not been proved.
    So, what is the value of the gospel for which Peter dared to surender to his death without fear, or not willing to seek some kind of reprieve?
    It’s that for which he desired to thrive and surge forward after his death, and man has polluted it for their own gains.
    Grow in grace? Yes, mature in faith and in the Word, and be in the surging of God’s plan for the church.
    Blesings, brother Brian.
    P.S. Hoping your health is doing better.

  • Agent X says:

    This Just In… Jesus Ate Lunch At Popeye’s Today
    Posted onApril 7, 2016 by Agent X

    Some stories I just don’t tell, and I really struggle with telling this one.

    The whole secret-agent-for-Jesus-network, started with a blog called The Agent B Files, and always was intended to honor Jesus’ directive in Matthew 6:3-4. It is intended to be a way of sharing God’s work without taking personal credit for it. However, there is no doubt plenty of people know my identity on the one hand, and telling the story is not keeping it secret on the other. Despite measures taken to mute my identity, this ministry is designed to aid God’s people to imagine the world differently and to bear God’s image in it largely through portrayal of caring for the poor.

    Without exhausting all of the caveats and concerns, I was soooooooo deeply blessed to eat lunch with Jesus today in the Popeye’s fast-food joint down on 82nd and University, that I feel compelled to tell you about it. I should say that earlier this morning, my wife (Mrs. Agent X) and I made a trip to Walmart up on 82nd and Milwaukee. As we pulled onto the lot, we saw a man holding a “hungry…homeless” sign as we drove by. By the time we parked, I could see a Walmart employee walking out to the far part of the lot toward the beggar. I followed after him to see how this would go.

    I will not reveal my part in that exchange at this time, but I will say that it was obvious Walmart did not want that man there, and by the time I returned to Mrs. Agent X, we were both considering the option of taking this man home with us. However, he got away and that did not happen. But a half hour later, I was running a final errand for Mrs. Agent X when I bumped into a second homeless guy – on 82nd Street no less!

    His name was *Agent H* and he looked like a cross between Rambo and Charlie Manson – (more Charlie than Rambo). He hobbled, more than walked, and used a walking stick. I saw him as I waited my turn to get an oil change in my wife’s vehicle, and then found him at the 7/11 across the street shortly afterward, just as he was about to dive a dumpster.


    I don’t know his age, but based on things he told me during lunch, I would guess him between 55 and 65, but looking like 75. He was a bent figure, looked very fragile and unsteady. I pulled up by the dumpster and invited him to join me for lunch.

    He got in the front seat with great difficulty and mumbled his words so that I could hardly make out a sentence he said. I had a rough one on the line. Very rough. As soon as he got in, I went to plan B – “Would you like me to take you to a doctor?” I asked. He shook off the suggestion. I decided not to force it.

    In my experience on the streets, I find that some people cannot eat the same food(s) I would. Bad teeth, you see (not to mention every now and then someone is diabetic or so on) AND sometimes I try to take care not to upset their diet. So I asked where he would like to go. He didn’t care. So we went back across the street to Popeye’s which was very handy.

    I should say that I happened to be wearing my neon Fat Beggars shirt with the message “JESUS WAS HOMELESS” emblazoned across the back of it. I showed up like a street minister on parade, and Agent H looked like the picture next to the definition of homeless in the dictionary. I’ll just say:

    Yeah. We were on display in that restaurant. Though neither Agent H nor I made mention of it, there was no denying it. We paraded Lubbock’s elephant-in-the-room right into that eating establishment – and did it right during the lunch hour! We were breaking a social taboo, and it was powerful! We did not encounter any resistance from anyone there at all, but after my experience at Walmart less than an hour before, I sensed (and I figure Agent H did too) that my wallet was his ticket to lunch. I mean, Agent H really looked the part! I can easily imagine he might not be welcome in a lot of places even if he had his own money.

    I directed Agent H to step up to the counter and order what ever he wanted from the menu, I would pay. He very humbly mumbled inaudibly. I asked him to repeat it. He mumbled some more. Then the lady behind the counter asked him to step closer so she could hear him. Then she began making suggestions that he nodded to, because I don’t think she ever heard him at all.

    I on the other hand finally made out the words “Dr. Pepper”! Good Agent H! I hear you!!!

    I just have to use my imagination. I don’t know really. Possibly the man is just a con and owns a mansion at the edge of town! If so, I am his chump. And really, WHO CARES??? But I lean more the other way. I bet he really likes Dr. Pepper, and it might have been a while since he was able to get one.

    We took a seat. I took off my hat. Agent H took off his hat. He spoke a little, but I really could only make out isolated words here an there. I just could not hear him even across the table. But I studied his features. His unkempt hair and weathered skin. His clothes. His walking stick and bag.


    Then they called our number. I went to retrieve the food.

    When I returned, Agent H asked if we could pray and thank God for the meal! I agreed and bowed my head. Agent H blessed the lunch. Then we began eating. I listened to him mumble and could barely make out a word here and there.

    After a few minutes, I saw a drip form on the tip of his nose. I thought he might be sick, and I feared his nose drippings might manage to get into his food – AND THEN I WORRIED IF IT MIGHT GET ACROSS THE TABLE INTO MINE! I kept watching it closely to beware of it. And then I saw more clearly, the man mumbling softly – so softly that I could not understand him – was weeping. And then suddenly a clear coherent sentence presented itself to my ears and to my eyes.

    Suddenly I recognized that I was in the presence of a real prophet! Jesus was eating lunch with me. I could have taken my shoes off in that restaurant! I was on Holy Ground! This man was praising God and thanking him for his blessing all through lunch!

    We spent more than half an hour there. I really did not want lunch to end. His speech cleared up little by little as we ate. He preached at least two sermons for me that I could make out – and one of them was particularly good.

    “We are spiritual,” he said. “Adam and Eve in the garden were created spiritual and if they had chosen to live as spiritual creation, this world would be a different kind of place!”

    Amen! Agent H! Preach it, brutha!!!

    I was getting more and more into his sermon(s), trying hard to listen. I leaned in close. I concentrated, and for a few minutes, I don’t think we were really in Popeye’s restaurant. I think we entered a whole other dimension of reality. We slipped through the veil for a minute, and I only got back to Popeye’s when a fellow patron and his friend got up to leave. The friend was dumping the trash when his partner approached us and laid a $10 bill on the table in front of Agent H and said, “I think you need this more than I do.”

    Thank you! sir – who ever you are!!! I praise God for your kind generosity! If you find this blog and this post, I hope you will say hi to us – anonymously of course! You really blessed us, and everyone in that restaurant who witnessed it! Agent H thanks you. So does Jesus.

    I could go on and tell a hundred other observations and so forth, but this post would get too long. So I will jump to the end of it.

    When Agent H decided he was ready to leave, and after much weeping and preaching and praising, I noticed his speech was greatly improved, his posture improved, and he walked a lot stronger too. I should note that he never complained. He never lamented. He did confess sin at one point, but he mostly praised God and cried a lot while he ate. And so as we said our goodbyes on the parking lot, I hugged him, and I noticed that he did not stink at all! And I asked him to remember me when we get to the Judgment because Jesus will ask him about me. And he assured me that we would meet again there!


    Just before he disappeared, I snapped a photo of him on the curb from a distance.

    I think if you look carefully and concentrate, you see Jesus in this picture.

    Agent H aka Jesus/the least of these…
    Agent H aka Jesus/the least of these…

    Funny. It almost seemed like I was there feeding a bum in that restaurant. Almost. For just a moment… almost. But really, he fed me.

    Thank You, Jesus!

  • mosckerr says:

    You missionizing Xtians together with your revisionist history bull shit, the absolute worst.

    A simple Jewish refutation of your empty utterly vile gospel trash. All you air-head Xtians can do … delete this refutation of Xtian idolatry.

    Why do Jews study the T’NaCH and Talmud?

    During the Chag had a conversation with Yitzak Lewis while in the pool. We discussed how to learn. And it occurred to me that its possible to compare learning Talmudic common law to the top surface of the pool. In geometry, this top surface of a pool compare to a plane. The difference between these two metaphors, the plane of geometry discussed in a two-dimensional book. Whereas the plane of the pool top surface has space underneath and space above the top surface level of the pool. This realization, caused me to say: “Its possible to read a page of Gemarah, this type of reading skims the “top surface” of the Talmud. However T’NaCH and Mishna both have a unique Order which defines both sets of common law.

    By stopping an learning the T’NaCH to an affixed Order, just as did Rabbi Yechuda with his Mishna, this affixed Order of the T’NaCH makes that common law mussar instruction function as a “plane” that’s parallel to the common law halachic Mishnaic common law plane. Parallel planes to T’NaCH and Talmudic common law permits a wondrous way to learn. The Torah has an Order of Av – בראשית to תולדות – the Books of שמות, ויקרא, and במדבר. Which asks the question: ?התלדות הולכים אחרי אבות … כן או לא. For example: in the Book of שמואל, the prophet anointed both Shaul and David as the Moshiach. The mitzva of Moshiach learns from korbanot in the Torah. A korban Olah not the same as a korban Chaatas or korban Asham, or a korban shalmim. Where do these korbanot differ from one another if they all “barbeque” the same species of animal on the altar?

    Korbanot and likewise tefillah both time-oriented commandments. Time oriented commandments require k’vanna. Whereas תולדות, קום ועשה ושב ולא תעשה commandments do not require k’vanna. How does a person learn the k’vanna of any & all time-oriented commandment? Learning T’NaCH by means of making comparisons between mussar & mussar. For example, if learning a dof of Gemara in any mesechta of the Sha’s Bavli, ברכות for instance, where the Gemarah quotes a p’suk from the Book of שמואל. The Order of the T’NaCH as we have discussed, the Book of שמואל compares to the Torah Book of בראשית – both teach the subject of Av time-oriented commandments. Whereas if the Gemarah quotes a p’suk from the Book of מלכים, the Order of the T’NaCH as we have discussed, the Book of מלכים compares to the Torah תולדות Books of שמות, ויקרא, ובמדבר.

    As the Mishna has its Gemarah so too in parallel the Books of the Prophets has its Holy Writings. The Book of תהלים, qualifies as an Av time-oriented “Gemara” affixed to the Avot Books of the Prophets, as the Avot Books of the Prophets affixed to the Books of בראשית וספר סידור. The Siddur has the Order of the Shemone Esrei: 3 + 13 + 3/613. Six Yom Tov + Shabbat … the Order of the Menorah. Each Yom Tom + Shabbat, a person can dedicate a Divine Name as a different facet of his soul sworn-oath as holy to HaShem while standing before a Sefer Torah. Like the שם השם pronounced by the parallel word-name Adonai, so too on each Yom Tov + Shabbat a Yid can dedicate a different facet name of his brit oath-sworn soul Holy to השם לשמה.

    The six chaggim pair off, like Adam & Havah. פסח ושבועות, ראש השנה ויום כיפור, סוכות ושמיני עצרת. Pairing the Chaggaim together, this Order permits these paired off couples to function as opposing Book-Ends so to speak. Torah scholarship requires making an Order of how a man learns. These 6 Chaggaim affix to the 6 days of the Week. Each Yom Tov has an Order of an affixed Divine Name dedicated לשם השם לשמה on that particular Yom Tov. The passage of the days of the week a person “remembers” the dedication of that specific Divine Name dedicated on that specific Chag לשם השם לשמה. The Divine Name dedicated on Chag פסח\\יה. The Divine Name dedicated on Chag שבועות\\האל. The Divine Name dedicated on Yom Tov ראש השנה\\אל. The Divine Name dedicated on Yom Tov יום כיפור\\אלהים The Divine Name dedicated on Chag סוכות\\אל שדי. The Divine Name dedicated on Chag שמיני עצרת (the day that Ham-ass made the surprise attack abomination upon Israel)//איש האלהים. The Divine Name dedicated on Shabbat: שלום.

    The Talmud instructs: תעשה תפילתך במקום קבועה. The רמז word מקום hints to the שם השם. When the eye sees the שם השם in the Siddur, the mouth pronounces the word Adonai. The sin of the Golden Calf teaches the eternal mussar that the שם השם not a word but rather the Divine Name Spirit. The בנין אב of blowing the Shofar instructs the mussar that to pronounce the שם השם, this requires blowing the spirit within our hearts, Hence the Talmud teaches that tefillah a matter of the heart rather than calling upon some “father God” in the Heavens. The false messiah JeZues did not know how to daven tefillah when his disciples asked him to teach them how to pray.

    When a person approaches the שם השם לשמה, this requires blowing תקיעה, תרועה, ושברים while remembering the dedicated Divine Name sworn-oath of that particular Chag affixed to the day of the week within one’s’ heart. יום ראשון – פסח\יה etc. The example of tefillah as a time-oriented commandment which requires k’vanna applies to all תולדות commandments and Talmudic halachot. In the case of the latter תלדות הלכות, the k’vanna affixed to these ritual observance comes from the warp/weft relationship of the halacha/aggadah. The aggadah makes a drosh to the T’NaCH common law mussar. Hence by affixing an Order to the Holy Writings, if a Gemara refers to a p’suk in the Book of שמואל then a בנין אב “Gemara” to that Prophetic “Mishna”, a person can make a drosh to the Book of תהלים. If a Gemara refers to a p’suk in the Book of מלכים then a בנין את “Gemara” to that Prophetic “Mishna”, a person can make a drosh to the Book of משלי.

    Common law learns by means of making a drosh for a similar precedent. T’NaCH common law commands mussar. Learning prophetic mussar does not learn from making a “surface reading of the words of the T’NaCH”. The generations can learn prophetic mussar only by making a depth analysis of comparing the language of mussar to a similar language of mussar from a different source. Just as a swimming pool has the top surface level and has water beneath the top surface level of that swimming pool. Herein defines how to correctly learn both T’NaCH and Talmudic common law.

    Why? What does this sh’itta of learning achieve? If the Books of שמות ויקרא ובמדבר – these תרי”ג commandments approximately – exist as תולדות מצוות to the Av time-oriented commandments defined in the Book of בראשית. Time-oriented commandments not limited to the dogma of physical time. These commandments go beneath the surface reading of the swimming pool plane-surface reading of the literal words. The term “time” refers to a National crisis. Yaacov, about to confront an Army of soldiers led by his brother Esau who has sworn to murder his brother!

    Time-oriented commandments require k’vanna. Learning by means of בנין אב comparative precedents, as described above, a bnai brit scholar can derive a Prophet/Holy Writings mussar and affix that mussar instruction, applicable to all generations of Israel, to that particular תולדות halacha as its affixed k’vanna. This learning transforms that specific rabbinic mitzva to a time-oriented commandment from the Torah! Why? Just as the Torah commandments located in the Books of שמות ויקרא ובמדבר exist as תולדות מצוות to the Av הזמן גרמא מצוות בספר בראשית, so too the halachot within the ש”ס תלמוד they too qualify as תולדות מצוות! Do the תולדות follow after the Avot? This question applies equally to both the קום ועשה ושב ולא תעשה מצוות as does it equally apply, straight across the board, to all halachot learned from the Talmud.

    הלכה למעשה: The mitzva of Moshiach.

    The Prophet Shmuel annointed both Shaul and David as Moshiach in the Book of Samuel. This av tohor time-oriented commandment in this prophetic Book of the T’NaCH, it compares to the תולדות kings of both Yechuda and Israel. If the תולדות מצוות בתוך שמות ויקרא ובמדבר, they compare to the House of the kingdom of Dovid, then the Halachot תולדות מצוות בתוך הש”ס בבלי, these halachot, they, in their turn, they compare to the kingdom of Shaul. Stands the question: Do ?התולדות הולכים אחרי אבות? The rejected Moshiach Shaul or the accepted Moshiach Dovid? Tohor time-oriented commandments NOT historical events that happened a long time ago, RATHER mitzvot which obligate all generations of bnai brit Israel to keep, observe, and do.

    What constitutes as the k’vanna of the dedication of the mitzva of Moshiach as taught in the prophetic mussar commanded by the Book of Shmuel? The time-oriented commandment of Moshiach learns from the Torah precedent of korbanot. Just as korbanot require k’vanna so too the mitzva דאורייתא of Moshiach requires k’vanna. The k’vanna of the מצוה דאורייתא של משיח – צדק צדק תרדוף. Justice Justice Pursue. The Torah commands common law courtrooms rather than statute law Legislative or Executive decrees. This fundamental distinction, something like the הבדלה which separates מלאכה from עבודה on Shabbat, distinguishes T’NaCH and Talmudic common law from the perverse halachic codifications made by the Yad, Tur, and Shulkan Aruch assimilated halachic statute law codifications made during the Middle Ages.

    During the Middle Ages, the Xtian Church continually demanded Jews to debate their theologians over the issue whether the Moshiach had already come or Jews still waited for the coming of the Moshiach. Perhaps the most famous of these inter-Moshiach debates: the refutation of Xtian theology made by the Reshon – RambaN. Clearly the sh’itta of learning, as stated above, rejects the RambaN thesis that the Moshiach has not yet come. This sh’itta of how to learn the T’NaCH and Talmud as tohor time-oriented commandments, likewise learns that the mitzva of Moshiach applies equally, straight across the board, to all generations of Israel – just as do all other Torah time-oriented commandments.

    An אב\\תולדות example of making a depth analysis of the mitzva of Moshiach. King David vs. king Shlomo. Did the תולדות משיח ie king Shlomo follow after the Av David or the Av Shaul? King Shlomo worshipped avoda zara, just as did king Shaul called up the witch of Eindor/avoda zarah. This same question equally applies to all the generations of kings as found in the Book of Kings. King Shlomo a toldot king followed after the Av Moshiach of king Shaul. Therefore the Beit HaMikdash built by both king Shlomo and Nehemia (ירידות הדורות), profaned the commandment of king David to build the Beit HaMikdash.

    A surface reading of the closing commandment of king David to his son Shlomo … copy the customs and minhagim practiced by Goyim cultures throughout history and build a Temple/Cathedral made of wood and stone! But this surface reading of the commandment of David qualifies as a טיפש פשט/\a bird brained avoda zarah of the 2nd Sinai commandment – not to copy or follow the customs and manners of the Goyim who reject the Torah revelation at Sinai; not to inter-marry with Goyim. King Shlomo intermarried with hundreds of Goyim, and they turned away his heart!

    If the תולדות מצוה של משיח follows after the Av of David, and David follows the Av of Moshe Rabbeinu, then just as Moshe built the Cities of Refuge and established the Small Sanhedrin Capital Crimes Courtrooms, so too the Davidic commandment to his son, (inclusive of all bnai Israel throughout the generations who follow tohor David rather than tumah Shaul as the Av time-oriented commandment of Moshiach, they too strive to restore Sanhedrin common-law courtrooms as the rule of Jewish law within the borders of the lands of Israel. In this manner, if the תולדות מצוות of the Written Torah compare to the House of David, then the תולדות מצוות of the Oral Torah/Talmud compare to the House of Shaul. However, if a person, makes an aliyah of Talmudic תולדות מצוות דרבנן to אבות זימן גרמא מצוות דאורייתא….. then this Moshiach time-oriented commandment of Moshiach unites the divided houses of the kingdoms of Yechuda and Israel into one House. Bottom line: the mitzva of Moshiach unites the once divided Houses of Dovid and Israel, and therein accomplishes the vision of the prophets.

    • Brian T. says:

      Shiloh has come.

      As the Lamb of God He has died and risen again for the sins of the world.

      “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isa. 9:6

      I wish you nothing but peace.

      Warm regards,

      • mosckerr says:

        Brian you make a surface reading of prophetic books. LOL Turning a prophetic book into a worthless comic book.

        • Brian T. says:

          This is no surface reading – “But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His wounds we ourselves are healed.” Isa. 53:5

          “And He appointed Him His grave with the wicked, but He was with a rich man in His death; though He had done no violence, and deceit was not in His mouth. But Jehovah pleased to crush Him, to make Him sick, so that If He should put His soul as a guilt offering, He shall see His seed; He shall prolong His days; and the will of Jehovah shall prosper in His hand. He shall see the fruit of the travail of His soul; He shall be fully satisfied. By His knowledge the righteous One, My Servant, shall justify for many, and He shall bear their iniquities.”
          Isaiah 53:9-11

          Isaiah 53 perfectly described His coming and His walk. The witnesses of history (even unbelievers) as well as the prophets of God all bear testimony to Him and in Isaiah 53 we see the perfect description of the life He lived was the fulfillment of all the prophet spoke.

          “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14
          This sign has been given.

          “Who has believed our report? And to whom is the arm of Jehovah revealed?” Isaiah 53:1

          In the face of such overwhelming witnesses of the Law and the Prophets this is the eternal question.

          The Son of which Isaiah speaks has come; blessed are they who find shelter under His Wings.

          Blessings to you my friend!

          • mosckerr says:

            Goyim who can’t read Hebrew do not dictate how to study the T’NaCH. Law? Common law or Statute law? What’s the difference in matters of T’NaCH and Talmud? You have never even once considered this question.

          • Brian T. says:

            1. “I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.
            2 I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;
            3 A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick;
            4 Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine’s flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels;
            5 Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day.
            6 Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom,
            7 Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the Lord, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom.”

            God has done this! “I am found of them that sought me not” Blessed be His Holy Name.

            Sad that the Word of God clearly declares His Coming, His suffering and His resurrection in every language known to man yet as Isaiah has prophesied to Israel:

            “And He said, Go and say to this people, Hearing you hear, but do not understand; and seeing you see, but do not know. Make the heart of this people fat, and make his ears heavy, and shut his eyes, that he not see with his eyes, and hear with his ears, and understand with his heart, and turn back, and one heals him.”
            Isaiah 6:9-10

            How in great plainness of speech God speaks of the suffering Messiah and yet in seeing one can’t see. As John 1:11 says “He came unto his own, and his own received him not”

            The Messiah has come as prophesied “for a covenant of the people and a light of the Gentiles (Goyim)” and how we are blessed in Him! And that same blessing is offered to you.

            1. “Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
            2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
            3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.
            4 He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.
            5 Thus saith God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:
            6 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles (Goyim);
            7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.”
            Isaiah 42:1-7

            I am only interested in the inspired word of God I care little for the opinions of men especially after the prophets themselves spoke over and over of Israel’s faithlessness and ever seeking other gods. The Word of God is true and it is the sad testimony when people place human opinion on the same level as His inspired word.

            Blessings to you and may God open your heart to see what is written in His Word concerning the Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


          • Brian T. says:

            Also concerning the difference between the T’NaCH and the Talmud: God speaks to those who would place the opinions of men on the same level as the inspired Word where He declared in Deuteronomy:

            “You shall not add to the Word which I command you, nor take from it, to keep the commandments of Jehovah your God which I command you” Deuteronomy 4:2

            Yet in spite of His command the Talmud is revered and considered holding the same authority. A sad testimony of a people who have strayed from His commands. There are good things written in the Talmud yet there are hundreds of years of men adding to the commandments of God muddying the wonder of His Word with the traditions of men contrary to His Word given to Israel!

            I understand the difference between the Tanakh and the Talmud. The Tanakh being the inspired and infallible word of God the other being the opinions of men. The same thing applies in our day we have Christian commentaries that are of human origin that have some good things to say YET they are not infallible.

            The Tanakh is the Hebrew/Jewish Bible, The Tanakh is divided into three sections:

            The Torah — the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodos, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy).
            Nevi’im — the Prophets. Books such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Samuel, Ezekiel, and more.
            Ketuvim — Writings. Books such as Song of Songs, Daniel, Esther, Psalms, and others.

            The word Tanakh is an abbreviation of Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim.

            The Talmud is an entirely different work, and reached it’s final form probably a thousand years after the Tanakh. It contains commentary and discussions by rabbis about Jewish law and customs.

            the commentaries and the discussions of men will never stand in the councils of the Holy God!


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