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Grace the Power of God

“For by grace are ye saved through faith…”
Ephesians 2:8

The salvation of God is not based on His sentiment but upon His power. The power of sin can only be defeated by the power of His grace at work, freeing the heart from its own inherent evil. Long lay the world lost in the contagion of its own construct. Faith is the conduit through which this power pours into the human heart. Every heart knows its own sorrow, its own helplessness, and its own misery. But Christ has come, and even more importantly, IS come to deliver, heal, and straighten that which is crooked. His works within the human heart are not based on anything less than the power of His eternal life affecting Will in the divine act of redemption. This salvation is to result in something far more than forgiveness; it is an eternal desire to set us free from the stain, the power, and the bondage of sin itself.

“If the Son, therefore, shall make you free,
ye shall be free indeed.”
John 8:36

The Greek word “indeed” means “in reality,” not in some doctrinal, esoteric concept but free in the Spirit of Him by whom we have access to “this grace.”

“Through Him, we have also obtained access by faith
into this grace in which we stand…”
Romans 5:2

“This Grace,” accessed in Him by faith, produces a standing tall against the temptations and wiles of all we encounter in this world. Faith is the victory, for it is through its wonder that grace courses effortlessly into the broken hearts of humanity. How good and glorious is His plan of salvation for all who call upon His Name!

Related Post: Grow In Grace

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“…the grace of God subdues
the selfishness inherent in the natural heart”



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