Discernment – Seeing The True
Discernment – Seeing the True
“Saying, Give me also this power,
that on whomsoever I lay hands,
he may receive the Holy Ghost”
Acts 8:19
Discernment is seeing the true. The more softly we walk with Him who is the Truth, the sharper will be our discernment and the clearer will be our understanding of the things around us. The seemingly good desire of Simon in the Book of Acts would be readily encouraged today. The concept of the HOLY Spirit has been reduced to “the spirit”. We have relegated the precious things of God to something common and ordinary. Motives mean little when a love of signs, wonders, and exciting new things eclipse a desire for truth. The pretense of Ananias and Sapphira are applauded, and the “sin” of the man’s affair mentioned in the Church at Corinth are minimized. If Paul had not confronted them concerning their error, it would have gone unaddressed, and the culture of the Corinthian believers would have become contaminated.
Discernment sees through “seemingly” good things. It has one objective; to keep the atmosphere holy within and without wherever God’s people meet.
Lying to the Holy Spirit
Seeing Through the Pretense
Our discernment will only be as sensitive as our knowledge of His Holiness. That which appears right will be an offense to those who have touched the fear of the Lord. We have all seen individuals who robbed God of His glory, His wonder, and His grace, celebrated and applauded. They rise to places of prominence to their own destruction and the desolation of those who follow them. See related post: Discernment – Try the spirits
Man’s Assertion Into God’s Message
A True Word From a False Prophet
for reward”
Jude 1:11
Do we not see this same greed and arrogancy today? Isaiah declares:
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5:20
Mixture of the Carnal and the Holy
Many quote this scripture concerning the attitude of the world around us. That context is certainly true, but even more heart rending is its prevalence within the church in our land. Much of worship today is a performance on stage accompanied by lights, smoke and all the sensationalism of the world. The pure worship of God comes from humble hearts that have been touched by His Holiness.
Psalm 29:2
this shall not be unto thee…”
Matthew 16:22
Matthew 16:23
Discernment and the Cross
Discernment is also predicated by our own dying to the seemingly good of our own human sympathy. In the very next verse Jesus presents His call to Peter and to us:
Matthew 16: 24-25
In my own experience, I have allowed myself to become involved with seemingly good things only to learn some bitter lessons. The Puritans had a saying:
“Ambition clouds discernment”
It is through the work of the Cross that we are freed from our own proclivities and ambitions in order that we might discern things correctly. That which seems in earnest, that which appeals to our own prejudices, leanings, and selfish ambition blunts the edge of the sword of discernment. See related Post: Discernment – Purity of Heart
Faithfulness and Discernment
Another requirement for our discernment to remain accurate is to be faithful to the things we see. Many will seek to persuade, many will testify of the good, and many will pressure us to compromise the truth of what we see.
2 Kings 18:4-5
In the face of such overwhelming confirmation the man of God remained true.
And he said, “Hear, all you peoples!”
2 Kings 18:27
Discernment and Strong Meat
even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised
to discern both good and evil”
Hebrews 5:14
and to finish His work”
John 4:34
is measured by faithful obedience”
Watchman Nee
“But blessed are your eyes,
for they see: and your ears, for they hear”
Matthew 13:16
An excellent, much needed message Brian. 🌟Thank you for being faithful to God in the fires of your trials in order that you could give pure gold to the body of Christ.
Thank you Michele for the encouraging words – How we will need His presence within to stay true in the hour of deception that is coming upon us. Appreciate your sharing and the evident hand of God in your life!
Amen! Loved this, “The pure worship of God comes from humble hearts that have been touched by His Holiness.” 🙌🙌🙌
Blessings today!
Hi Brian, a fellow Christian brother and Canadian no less! I’m on one coast and you are on the other, and there are many kilometers/miles between us, but what you have written rings so true. There is indeed a sifting taking place in earnest and discernment is indeed closely associated with and to our dependency in God, our growing awareness of the holiness of God and our obedience to His guidance and will. I am continually reminded that Jesus told us that without Him, we could accomplish nothing and the clarify of that realization has never been more clear than now in these days that we are in. But much more sifting is yet to come. I thank you for the meat of God’s Word that you share. God’s blessings to you and yours!
So good to hear from you. I hope to get out your way, my wife has been pushing to visit your area. May we encourage one another as the day draws near and and thankful for your kind words.
“…And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants? 27The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow…”
2 Kings 5:26-27
Amen, brother
A very good example and a God’s call to us to walk closer to Him. It made me think of Paul’s powerful statement concerning the situation in Corinth:
“For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed”
1 Cor. 5:3
There is much for us to yet apprehend.
Blessings to you!
Thank you brother!