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By Faith Sarah

By Faith Sarah

“Also by faith Sarah herself received power for conceiving seed even beyond the time of age, and gave birth; since she deemed the One having promised to be faithful.”
Hebrews 11:11

It is impossible to separate faith and power. Within the dynamic of faith resides a power, an impulse that holds us to the Will and Purpose of the Almighty God. This divine impress moves within the individual to be governed by the unseen, to pursue God Himself.

This power is not dependent upon our natural strength or circumstances. The limitations of our physical life have little bearing in its quest to “deem the ONE” faithful.

Sarah’s faith continued to embrace the impossible even when she was “beyond” the age of childbearing. The living faith within her “received power” to conceive. By that same power, she became a vital link in God’s purposes.

May we comprehend the wonder of God’s living faith holding us and pressing us ever onward to His fulfillment! I find great encouragement in the phrase, “Sarah herself received power…” This faith is ever personal and is intended by God as the evidence of our relationship with Him!

“Now faith is the essence of things being hoped,
the evidence of things not having been seen.”
Hebrews 11:1 (LITV)

The compulsion and quest that characterized Sarah’s inner life were the evidence of the very thing that must come to pass. True faith is not an idea or religious confession but the power and divine impartation of God’s Will. The ramifications of this faith to those who embrace its wonder is the sense of our participation in the eternal purposes of God!

“Because of this came into being from one man, they who were generated, and these of one having died, seed even “as the stars of the heaven” in multitude and countless “as sand by the seaside.”
Hebrews 11:12 (LITV)

May we be encouraged by this Word of power: “because of this…”! “Because” of faith, the seed of Abraham (the children of the promise) became as numerous as the “stars of heaven,” embracing every nation and ethnos of the world.

May this same faith burn within our hearts, pressing us to bring forth the evidence of what HE has deposited in our lives.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think,
according to the power at work within us…”
Ephesians 3:16

Faith is that “power at work within us.” The substance of faith produces quest and pursuit, for it is ever bound to the eternal purposes of God, just as Abraham, who “looked for a city whose builder and maker is God”!

“For he looked for a city which hath foundations,
whose builder and maker is God.”
Hebrews 11:10

Faith is the Divine enablement
to embrace the Will of God

Related Post: By Faith – Part One

“Faith, as Paul saw it, was a living, flaming thing
leading to surrender and obedience to the commandments of Christ.”
A.W. Tozer

Brian Troxel


  • bornagain732 says:

    “True faith is not an idea or religious confession but the power and divine impartation of God’s Will. The ramifications of this faith to those who embrace its wonder is the sense of our participation in the eternal purposes of God!” 🙌
    Have another blessed day in the Lord, Brian!!! 🙏🏻❤️

  • Good post 💚 💓 💯

    Have a nice day 🌈🌞

    A cordial greeting 🌹🌷🇪🇸

  • Willie Torres Jr. says:

    Amen 🙏🤗 Amen

  • Forgetting

    Yes, the paramount purity (unwavering belief), the peace (no fretting) and the power (move mountains), the sincere simplicity (childlike faith) of the telling trust (commanding mountains) in and of the One ever and always entirely trustworthy for each and every moment, matter and movement of our being, Who delights in helping our unbelief, as in vital conscious union with Himself, our affectionate Abba, we conscientiously cultivate intimate abiding love communion with Christ Jesus, our ardent Advocate, our intense, inveterate Intercessor, the uniquely begotten Firstborn Son of His eternally unfailing love.

    Faith works by love.

    Galatians 5:6 AMP
    For [if we are] in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but only faith activated and expressed and working through love.

  • pcviii03 says:

    I got caught up on the word, “Now” (in “Now” faith…, and, “Now” to him…), that the concordance uses it in the frame of “and”, “but”, “also”, in connection with chapter 10, that the author tells us, “Now the just shall live by faith…”
    The author was writing that there are those who will not continue, but “draw back”, I think that is where much of the church is in their “faith”, a sort of, “maybe so, maybe no” kind of perspective. For them power is an option or accessory, not something in tandem. I think it’s that way for those with decades or a part of generations of family in the church without their own personal experience.
    Great word, brother.

    • Brian T. says:

      Yes so agree there is a sifting coming to all of us…

      “And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat…”
      Luke 22:31

      A day to prepare what we do “now” prepares us for “then”.

      “Consecrate yourselves (today), for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”
      Joshua 3:5 (ESV) (today is my addition)

      May we be used of Him to prepare His people for suffering and glory.


  • Tony says:

    In natural matters faith follows evidence and is impossible without it, but in the realm of the spirit faith precedes understanding; it does not follow it. The natural man must know in order to believe; the spiritual man must believe in order to know. The faith that saves is not a conclusion drawn from evidence; it is a moral thing, a thing of the spirit, a supernatural infusion of confidence in Jesus Christ, a very gift of God.

    A.W. Tozer man, the dwelling place of God

    • Brian T. says:

      The faith that saves is evidenced by the change and the transformation revealed. As John the Baptist preached “Then bring forth fruits worthy of repentance…” One scripture that reveals the principle and verity of faith “by faith we understand…” I hope to include in this series the truth of Noah (a truth as you know is true for this critical hour) “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house…” It was the understanding that came to Noah by faith that moved him through fear, being warned of God of things not yet seen in the natural. Faith enables those who walk in it to be moved unto obedience. Faith is the faculty to see and respond to God.

      the initial stages of faith may resemble Abram who in hearing God for the first time “went out not knowing…” but as faith developed he came to the depth of faith where he looked for a city that hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. His understanding grew in proportion to the faith developed within him.

      So grateful that the faith given to us is a living thing that grows and brings us into deeper ministrations of faith of which it is clearly manifested in the gifts God has given you for HIS Church.

      Appreciate the comment and may we walk closely with Him in this day that we may stand!


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