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“In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses,

Horses in those days were part of the flow of everyday life; transportation and work. God’s intent is to bring us to the place that the common activities of our daily life are an expression of “Holiness unto the Lord”. What we are with our brothers and sisters as we gather unto the Lord, we are in the public work places of life and in the private times when no one else is around. Every activity and every secret of the heart has one desire and intent: “Holiness unto the Lord”.

The ministry of truth has but one end; to MAKE US TRUE. A true heart remains the same no matter what the surroundings are. It is not given to change for the purpose of “fitting in”, being approved by our peers, or the appearance of being “spiritual”. The revelation of the depth of TRUTH that we actually walk in happens by BEING TRUE to Him in every aspect of our life. It matters little what men may think of us or how they interpret our actions and words. It matters only that we live in such a way that we glorify HIM. Holiness unto the Lord means that we set aside our life, our desires and our pursuits for the purpose of DOING HIS WILL, REVEALING HIS HEART and WALKING IN HIS WAYS. This is not a life that can be known or experienced by our own strength. It is the fruit of the MINISTRATION OF TRUTH that pierces our hearts, that uncovers our nakedness, that purges us from the horror of our self-will and self-deception to bring us into the LOVE OF GOD.


declares the Lord there WILL BE such a people! Truth is more than words, more than print on a page. TRUTH is A POWER with only one purpose and that is to make us TRUE EXPRESSIONS OF HIM WHO ALONE IS TRUE.


“Herein is our love made perfect,
that we may have boldness in the day of judgment:
because as HE IS, SO ARE WE in this world”
1 JOHN 4; 17

Brian Troxel


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