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The Spirit of Wisdom

“And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord”
Isaiah 11:2 KJV

Isaiah 11:2 describes the seven-fold Spirit of God. The Lampstand depicts this seven-fold ministration in the seven lamps (Rev. 4:5): a center stem with six branches, three on each side. It was made of solid gold and was of a “hammered work” (Exodus 25:31 ESV). (If you wonder why you are going through difficulties it is because God is forming these things in you.)

Although this is a prophetic Word concerning Jesus Christ, whatever is true in Jesus, by virtue of our relationship with Him, is to become true in us. Truth is not an intellectual commodity or a lifeless teaching; it is the Life of Christ within you. Scripture declares that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. His dwelling in us becomes the power of Life to cause His graces to shine through us.

“The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him”
Isaiah 11:2

The Hebrew word for “rest” means to “forever abide continuously”. It rests upon Him because it is at home in Him. As we grow in God and He begins to defeat the enemies within our hearts His abiding within becomes more and more pronounced. His presence abides and affects our daily life. We learn because of our growing sensitivity to choose the right and to forsake that which draws us away from His presence within.

“Butter and honey shall he eat,
that he may know to refuse the evil,
and choose the good”
Isaiah 7:15


The Lampstand

“…there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne,
which are the seven Spirits of God”
Revelation 4:5

“The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him…” is represented by the middle post on the Lampstand. The six branches extending out are grouped in pairs which complement each other; the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding; the Spirit of Council and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord. There is this seven-fold expression of the Person of the Holy Spirit. Just as when light is passed through a prism there are seven colors that shine through: one light but seven brilliant and distinct expressions of that one light.

In this passage (Isaiah 11:2) we see the Lord unveiling the essence of the Holy Spirit. It is as if the Spirit of God is passing through a divine prism, and within are all these divine attributes, amazing and powerful ministrations of God Himself. Not only are they portions of the whole, but each is a unique expression of the Spirit of God which He seeks to develop within us. (This seven-fold ministration of His Spirit is often mentioned in the Book of Revelation as it is an eternal expression of Him by which He rules and reigns forever!)

“And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God
Revelation 4:5

The Spirit of Wisdom

The essential growth and development of our walk in Him starts with none other than the Spirit of Wisdom.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”
Proverbs 9:10 KJV

A deep understanding of His Word begins as we experience within the depths of our own being His Holiness. This truth ignites an atmosphere of the “fear of the Lord,” from which all true revelations of Him become ours.

An excerpt from a Podcast Series on the Seven-fold Spirit of the Lord.

Click on Link Below:

PODCAST – The Spirit of Wisdom

Brian Troxel


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