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The Morning Watch 2-2-21

The Morning Watch

Thought for Today

“Prayer is the participation
of a heart in the Presence of God”

The highest call of life is one of relationship in Christ with God our Father. Effectual prayers ascend from hearts which have been subdued by His presence. It is from His glory whereby our hearts are made right to pray right.

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you,
ye shall ask what ye will,
and it shall be done unto you”
John 15:7

Abiding in Christ is the Spring from which effectual prayers are borne. Asking aright comes from our being right in our relationship with Him.

Prayer is the natural outflow of a life which is in relationship with God. Jesus easily spent all night in prayer with the Father for it was the basis of His relationship to God as a man.  Jesus in teaching His disciples to pray began with the powerful words… “Our Father” and in our corresponding depth of relationship to Him will be the flow of our hearts unto Him.

“And this is life eternal,
that they might know Thee the only true God,
and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent”
John 17:3

See Effectual Prayers – Knowing Jesus

Brian Troxel

Photo by: Parinay Clickers

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