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The Cords of Love

The Cords Of Love

“The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee”
Jeremiah 31:3

Within the sanctum of the called is an inextricable pull of the everlasting love of God. This all-pervading influence affects the conduct and affections of His own. It prevents attachments of the heart to things that would weaken the pull and drawings of His Spirit. Those upon whom the Lord has set His “everlasting love”, will intuitively order their steps to safeguard the intensity of His sway over their hearts. It is in having the Son resident and active within that we can respond to Him.

“We love Him,
because He first loved us”
1 John 4:19

He is the initiator, the cause of our pursuit of Him. Our pursuit is simply the echo of His yearnings for a relationship with us. As with any relationship, the greater the response, the deeper the relationship. It is here that the depth of our salvation and the effect of His imprint upon us is realized.

Like the law of gravity, nearness determines the power exerted. So, in Christ, our response to His Call will define the drawings of His Spirit. We may speak and expound upon the words of the Covenant, but it is in the inherent depth of our relationship with Him that His Light will find expression through us.

One of the fundamental laws of His Life revealed in the Covenant of Grace expresses the ultimate law of attraction:

“Draw nigh to God,
and He will draw nigh to you”
James 4:8

Our drawing near to Him is ever based on His love residing in our hearts. There is no room for self-righteousness in our seeking of Him. Our desire for Him is simply because He first loved us.

Apathy, slothfulness, and self-assuredness are deadly attitudes that diminish the pull of His love. In that terrifying process of the power of His Light fading within, our love grows cold, and we succumb to the gravity and pull of the world.

The pure love of God breaks the human heart and renders it pliable in His hands. It requires little effort to feel the extent of His Love pulsating in the life of another. Fellowship and the wonder of faith flow freely between those in whom the Life of the Son resides.

In Christ, life answers to life – deep responds to deep, and the Light of Christ is the only means of a true and vital relationship. Our relationship with Him determines our relationship with one another.

“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light,
we have fellowship one with another”
1 John 1:7

Our need for a relationship with Him will create a symbiotic response to seek fellowship with those who “walk in the Light as He is in the Light”. Jesus prophesied that in the last days, the love of many would grow cold because of iniquity.

“And because iniquity shall abound,
the love of many will become cold”
Matthew 24:12

Concerning this apathy, Jesus speaks these sobering words:

“But the one who endures to the end
will be saved”
Matthew 24:13

The Cords Of Love
is the result of the bonds of our relationship with Him

Related Post: Let Us Draw Near (The Throne of Grace)

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“The only true conqueror who shall be crowned in the end is he who continues until war’s trumpet is blown no more, Christian, wear your shield close to your armor and cry earnestly to God, that by His Spirit you may endure to the end.”
– Alistair Begg

Brian Troxel


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