Part One
“And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts liveth,
before whom I stand…”
II Kings 3:14
Here we see that the ministry of Elijah to Elisha was effectually completed. Elisha spoke from the same place of relationship and standing in God as that which Elijah also knew (I Kings 17:1). He spoke as one who fully understood his accountability unto the Holy One of Israel. Men who are content to have other men accountable unto them know nothing of the Holiness of God. We are not here to HAVE disciples but to MAKE disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. True ministry should always leave the people of God with the sense of their accountability unto God not man. The reason we see so little power, authenticity and abandonment is that we as a collective people have lost sight of HIS WONDER and AWE in our midst. We establish our organizational ladder of accountability and as long as that is followed we “feel” that there is a sense of order in our midst. We call this a successful “pattern” for others to emulate. But, unless there are powerful unique expressions shinning forth, it is only a deathly uniformity that is based on a carnal conformity to an organization not the transforming power of God! Paul writes to the Corinthians that THEY were his letter of recommendation; the quality of their lives and their love for one another. That is why he so passionately reproved them; he was held by the solemn obligation unto the Lord for them to walk and live in righteousness.
How we need a new and fresh sense that WE are accountable unto God for the condition of HIS CHURCH. It is our responsibility to speak forth HIS desire and purposes into the lives of those around us. It is our responsibility to pray and weep over the condition of HIS house. It is our responsibility to see the people of God DISCOVER the call of God upon their lives; to see them arise and understand that the quality of their walk is of vast importance; that they are not simply here to take up space on a pew but they are to influence the lives of those around them; that husbands are to so function as the priest in their home that there is harmony and growth within the individual lives of those in his care; that wives understand their responsibility to so walk with God and interact with HIM that they influence their husbands to be the men of God that they should be. We all have a part in this wonder called the Body of Christ! We all have a voice and we all have an incredible responsibility to see the prayer of John 17 come to pass. It is time for the ministers of God to impart to HIS people that it is unto HIM that we shall ALL give an account of how we walked in the fear of our God.
Men who sit for years listening to others without sensing any compulsion to see the Living Christ arise in their own hearts are dead; they are out of touch with HIS heart and HIS purposes. They have not seen the reality of the Body of Christ that it is made up of living, functioning, and holy members each of which have that awesome sense of a LIVE connection to the HEAD even Christ. The only purpose of true ministry is to minister that sense of a living community made real and alive by each member being held in the bonds of the Love of God to such an extent that we realize in our own hearts that of a truth we are “members one of another”. A living community that is not limited by the walls of a church building, a home group, a set of teachings or doctrines, ministries and organizations, but a community whose life is known by being IN HIM. This community of faith is called THE BODY OF CHRIST!
Brian Troxel
Great read. Thanks for the info!