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“He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake…”
PSALM 23:2

A path is not a destination. It is a way by which we travel to a specific destination. The “paths of righteousness” indicate a journey by which we travel to a desired end; a journey into HIM who is LIFE. The concept of a journey, a life of growth and development, a goal that we are seeking to attain (Philippians 3:7 – 15), has been lost in the teaching of our day. Throughout the New Testament we are exhorted to WALK in righteousness, LIVE in righteousness and GROW in righteousness. Jesus tells us to “SEEK FIRST the Kingdom of God AND HIS Righteousness”. In other words, this should be the primary focus and desire of our hearts. We must see here that we are not just wandering in a religious wilderness filled with doctrines and concepts of men in our search for righteousness. We are plainly told that HE LEADS US in the paths of this righteousness! To grow and live in the paths of righteousness is the RESULT of following HIM! It is a life of discovery, a life of HIS provisions, and a life filled with the wonder of HIM who is THE LIFE! Growth and development are the revelations of this life. A life that is not growing and changing is a life that has become stagnant in its heart. It may breathe, may say all the right words but in the very essence of its core it has “settled” in its quest for more of HIM. This journey is one that causes us to become pilgrims concerning the things of this world. It causes us to ever be attentive to HIS VOICE and HIS direction. It is the governing principle by which we conduct ourselves in this world. It also causes us to be aware that we are a living part of all those who have gone on before us; that in truth we are the children of the promise, the true offspring of Abraham who are looking and seeking for a City “whose builder and maker is GOD”.

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises,
but having seen them afar off £were assured of them,
embraced them and confessed
that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland”
HEBREWS 11:13 – 14

As we read the promises of God in the New Testament we must realize that there are tremendous promises yet unfulfilled. Such being the case we are exhorted over and over to seek, pursue and “press toward the mark” for the attaining of these things. Should not that cry be found within our own hearts? The WAY of God in Christ is a way of life and wonder. It is a WAY filled with change because it is a relationship with the INFINITE GOD of whom there is neither beginning nor end. It is an eternal call, for no real and vital relationship ever ceases to grow and develop.

“But the path of the just is as the shining light,
that shineth MORE AND MORE unto the perfect day”

This path is filled with an ever growing light. This light beckons us on to greater things in HIM and a desire to PARTICIPATE in the thing HE is doing. To touch the CRY of HIS HEART for the life of another, to be co-labourers with HIM in the development of life (HIS LIFE) in our brothers and sisters is a joy that is ours in Christ. How can we not “run with endurance” for the Joy of knowing and walking with HIM? “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith” (ROMANS 1:16) thus describing a faith that is growing from one stage to another.

A people of the Way are ever on the move, they are growing and they are discovering the bonds of relationship; the worth of knowing others who are also on this journey. The fruit of that fellowship is deep, powerful and filled with the pulsating life of the Son who is the author, sustainer and end of this journey!


“The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon,
but only to hold a man’s foot long enough
to enable him to put the other somewhat higher”
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895)

Brian Troxel

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