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Serving God

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“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
(2Tim 3:16-17)

Brian Troxel


  • Tim says:

    Hi Brian,

    That is a powerful “pictograph” image that effectively communicates, in picture, this podcast episode’s message…. “Serve God with a fervent heart, full of the fire of God”! May it be so in my own heart and life, oh God!

  • Tim says:

    Hi Brian,

    That is a powerful “pictograph” image that effectively communicates, in picture, this podcast episode’s message…. “Serve God with a fervent heart, full of the fire of God”! May it be so in my own heart and life, oh God!

  • Gary Fultz says:

    Brian, I have often thought of the number that “served” Him. It’s a hard thing to realistically judge one’s own self because we become our own defense lawyer very quickly. Someday all of our unseen motives will be stripped away and that should be a scary thought as well as one to challenge us deeply, yet God’s word gets to the heart of it deeper than we can. Good challenge!

  • Gary Fultz says:

    Brian, I have often thought of the number that “served” Him. It’s a hard thing to realistically judge one’s own self because we become our own defense lawyer very quickly. Someday all of our unseen motives will be stripped away and that should be a scary thought as well as one to challenge us deeply, yet God’s word gets to the heart of it deeper than we can. Good challenge!

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