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Looking Unto Jesus

“Looking unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith…”
Hebrews 12:2

Salvation is not a one-time experience. It is a life and a relationship. The complexities of our heart and the trials and tribulations of our faith in a hostile world demand a constant looking unto HIM.

There are also great changes that must be made within our being to walk with the Almighty God. These bring us to the NEED for fresh and new revelations of HIS saving grace in our lives.

“Look unto me, and be ye saved”
Isaiah 45:22

It is in our continual looking unto HIM that we are ever in the ACT of being saved; saved from our short-sightedness and our resistance to change and growth.

“Look unto me, and be ye saved” is more than a lovely scripture to quote. It is in the seeing of HIM that we are lifted up out of ourselves, our outlook, and our carnal tendencies and are enabled to see the world through HIS eyes.

“Look unto me, and be ye saved” is the WAY of LIFE. It is the only way for growth and development. Yes, it is fraught with new responsibilities, trials, and testing, but it is the way of LIFE. Whether it is the disciples who walked the Emmaus Road in discouragement, or Peter venturing out of the boat to walk upon the stormy sea, HE is our answer. Growth is the evidence of LIFE. Growth in HIS purpose is revealed in the child-like faith of walking with our heavenly Father.

Our participation in the ACT of “becoming” is found in our continually “looking unto HIM”! He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. “Our Faith” is a faith that is personal and precious and its development requires our attention and response to HIM. To hear and not do, to see and not respond, are the earmarks of decay and stagnation.

“Look unto me, and be ye saved”. No matter what the circumstances HE is our present help; the ladder out of every pit, our light in times of darkness, our guide when we are lost, and our friend when there is no other. HE is OUR SALVATION and HIS name is JESUS!

“Looking unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith…”
Hebrews 12:2


There are times in the wilderness of this world when we feel estranged from Him and our hearts become clouded with the pressures and the flow of the world around us. It is in these times of discouragement that we set our hearts to gaze upon the ONE who has never failed us. We look to the ONE who has always visited us in our night seasons to draw us unto comfort and reassurance of His watch care in our lives. There is something profound and beyond all words and human reasoning in His watch care over His own.

“Look unto Me…”

SEE: In The Morning

Brian Troxel


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