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Freedom From Sin

“…and the yoke shall be destroyed
because of the anointing.”
Isaiah 10:27

A few years back while spending time in His presence this impression came to me:

“An individual’s estimation of sin
is the revelation of their estimation of God”.

Those who regard sin lightly also pay little regard to the integrity of God; His Heart, His Being, and His Purpose in sending His Son to die on our behalf.

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21

The Greek word translated “from” is defined as: ἀπό; (Apó) indicates the separation of a person or an object from another person or an object with which it was formerly united but is now separated. (The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament by Spiros Zodhiates) Underline my addition.

The depth of my participation in His Life is revealed in the freedom and separation of my personal life from sin and iniquity. He came to make me free. His ministrations of truth are to that one end.

“And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32

In my early years of studying the word, and hearing great teaching, I came to the realization that despite my accumulation of knowledge I was still bound in recurring sins. There was a moment when the power of the TRUTH of the above scripture struck me with great force. Truth is not something we know intellectually; it is the power and life which comes from knowing HIM who is the truth. In that moment of revelation, I realized the amount of truth I actually hold is revealed in actual freedom from MY sin. I need Christ to be MY Savior to be free from MY sin. My depth of knowing Him, abiding in Him, and Him in me, determines the power and the measure of my personal salvation. I cannot be a slave to sin and hope to make known to others the power of His Salvation. Hypocrisy is the fruit of such a life. Many of God’s people today secretly battle with the sorrow and misery of sin-bound lives. Some teach and expound the word of God to others yet in the hidden places of their hearts their experience is contrary to what they speak.

“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin,
that grace may abound? God forbid.”
Romans 6:1-2

The true grace of God is the power to separate me from my sin. There is a dynamic released which breaks the power of the bonds of sin. Just as Paul (Romans 6 &7 ) speaks of sin as a power that is the root of our sins/sinful acts, so grace is the power of God to defeat that power of sin inherent within. It takes the power of God’s grace to defeat the power of sin. A gospel of grace that makes light of sin, which comforts us to remain in sin, is a perversion of God’s magnificent purpose in Christ.

“…knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be nullified, so that we no longer serve sin”
Romans 6:6

It is in “knowing this” (this truth) in our hearts that we are becoming free to no longer serve sin.

The truth of Christ frees us to Live in Christ. Faith is the reason we not only have hope, but it is our assurance that the grace of God will and must produce the victory!

“…this is the victory that overcometh the world,
even our faith”
1 John 5:4

A faithless gospel produces powerless living. It allows us to speak of victory yet live in defeat. The great deception of our time is accepting this defeat as part of the normal Christian experience! This happens when grace is presented as a sentiment rather than the power of God; when sin is presented as a mistake rather than an affront to His Lordship in our lives. The Gospel of God by His Spirit produces ministrations of truth that present to us the holiness and purity of God, whereby we know the beauty of godly sorrow and the corresponding freedom it brings.

“I now rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that you were made sorry to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly way, that you might suffer loss by us in nothing. For godly sorrow produces repentance to salvation, which brings no regret. But the sorrow of the world produces death.”
2 Corinthians 7:9-10

The true in heart desire ministrations that bring repentance as well as encouragement. Victory is the aspiration of those who live by faith. Victory over sin, over iniquity, and over the deceptive nature of self, is our inheritance in God. Those content with defeat never know the vibrancy of true faith. It is one thing to confess a faith; it is another thing altogether to live within the power of faith.

“The Lord knoweth
how to deliver the godly out of temptations”
2 Peter 2:9

Those who know their God find grace in Him to know His Victory.

“He who overcomes, I will give to him to sit down with me on my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father on his throne.”
Revelation 3:21

See: The Gospel of Freedom

Brian Troxel


  • Great word which focuses on a topic which the Lord brought to my spirit this morning. If people understood grace more then they would know that they are free from sin. Bless you.


    • Thank you Anneta – so appreciate the comments and your own sharing. I am grateful to the Lord for raising up a younger generation with a clear understanding; give my regards to your father. He has obviously passed on a faith which you have made your own!


  • Julia says:

    The following statement you wrote really hits it home for me, as many profess they know God yet within their heart’s they fail to honour Him……
    “It is one thing to confess a faith; it is another thing altogether to live within the power of faith.”
    This truly is the difference between knowing God and having a personal relationship through His Spirit, or serve religion.
    God Bless you as you teach the truth of the word!

  • Gary Fultz says:

    Very well written and explained Brian. I love the depth you arrive at with a few carefully chosen words.

  • Amen. To say we all sin and make light of our sinful nature is like throwing the gift God gave us back in His face. Jesus came and died to free us from sin. With Salvation comes the power to resist sin, but we need Jesus to do that. Abiding in Him, and allowing Him to abide in us, gives us the power to resist any temptations. I am not sinless, but the more I get to know Jesus, I sin less! Thank you for sharing. Blessings…

    • Hello Curleen thank you for the comment and I really appreciate the zeal that is evident in you and I like the word sin less. May we continue to overcome the things which come our way in the faith that brings His victory into our lives.

      “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
      Galatians 2:20


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