Discerning The Pythonic Spirit
The Pythonic spirit in the Book of Acts
“And it happened, as we went into a place of prayer,
a certain girl slave having a Pythonic spirit met us,
whose divining brought much gain to her lords.”
Acts 16:16 (LITV, BLB)
What was this Pythonic (original Greek word used here) spirit declaring?
“…These men are the servants of the most high God,
which shew unto us the way of salvation.”
Acts 16:17
This is not surprising to those who have had at least some experience with true spiritual warfare. The scriptures prove that His people must comprehend the deceptive nature of our enemy. Too often today, such ”prophecy” is readily received without understanding the nature of the deadly ministrations being allowed in our midst.
The consequences of these “Pythonic” expressions being tolerated and received as genuine are as deadly as they are deceptive. In the Book of Revelation, we read that the church in Thyatira suffered the Jezebel spirit, calling herself a prophetess to teach and seduce the people of God (Revelation 2:20).
We must see past the words and “lying signs” to discern the spirits behind much of what goes on in our midst. A lack of the fear of the Lord and a shallow apprehension of spiritual realities disarms His people and renders them ill-equipped to discern the true and the false.
It is imperative that we know the spirits that birth these false expressions. We cannot judge things solely by the mere words of these wicked and deceiving spirits. Spiritual ignorance is the product of a shallow and carnal walk with God and a heart that has not been accustomed to the voice and leading of His Spirit.
The Pythonic spirit is one of change, camouflage, and deceit, speaking good things while bringing deception and spiritual death. Its manner of operating is beyond the senses of the natural mind.
“There be three things which are too wonderful for me,
yea, four which I know not…
the way of a serpent upon a rock…”
Proverbs 30:18-19
These spirits move in great subtlety, “feeding themselves without fear” in our midst unashamed and emboldened (even to places of prominence) because of the blindness of God’s people.
“These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.”
Jude 1:12-13 (ESV)
May God grant us discernment in this critical day!
Related Post: Discernment – Wisdom
In addressing the Church at Corinth, Paul spoke hard words to keep them true to the Gospel of God. Here, Paul upbraids them for their willingness to receive false expressions that catered to their flesh rather than to the truth of God in Christ Jesus.
“But I fear lest by any means, as the serpent deceived Eve in his craftiness, so your thoughts should be corrupted from the purity which is due to Christ. For if, indeed, the one coming proclaims another Jesus, whom we have not proclaimed, or if you receive another spirit which you have not received, or another gospel which you never accepted, you might well endure these.”
2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (read the previous verse as well for context)
The frivolous ways of our day and the spurious approach to the Gospel of God have created an environment ripe for the Pythonic spirit to move freely.
“…These men are the servants of the most high God,
which shew unto us the way of salvation.”
Acts 16:17
Such are the words of these perverse and deceiving spirits!
“Discernment is not a matter of simply telling the difference between right and wrong;
rather it is telling the difference between right and almost right.”
Charles Spurgeon
“Take heed to yourselves,
that your heart be not deceived,
and ye turn aside.”
Deuteronomy 11:16
Brian Troxel
It’s truly frightening what we hear and see going on in our churches. Discernment is a must!
Yes the great lack of discernment and the embracing of false teachings, false expressions and the low regard for truth has dimmed the wonder of His Light… Thank you for the comment. It is encouraging to see the understanding you clearly walk in.
Deception is most times not very far away from the truth is it? Satan already has the world, but to pull believers away is a whole different skill set. First he needs to convince one that they cannot really fall.
The power of a lie is the amount of “truth” it presents. A critical day for sure.
More than a little of that which is passed off in the Name of Truth is the wily, wicked work of seditious, seducing spirits of counterfeit and concealment. Such is a dark departure from the passion of purity and the strength of simplicity of deepening devotion to Christ as our forever first Love and all magnificent Obsession. Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the Truth aptly applies today to tons of teaching in the body of Christ that majors on minors and is a subtle satanic diversion from concentration on, in, and of the centrality of Christ Himself, Whose superscendent, splendorous Spirit Is our singular, sole Source and sufficient, satisfactory Supply for all that strengthens sanctification. By fully fixing our focus on the faultlessly faithful face of Him, Who Is our Grace, Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption, we will not trip over our own feet, ways, and works.
Among the biggest bogus battering brought against the beloved bride of Christ rightly recognized as religious ramming rather than rich reality is the diabolic dogma of works-righteousness, demonically, deceivingly dressed as duly dutiful devotion to Deity. It indeed would, if it at all could, in acutely anxious and accusatory actuality, besmirch and belittle the inimitably, indispensably wondrous work of Christ by falsely teaching sovereign same as greasy grace or hyper-grace.
More than activity, the Beautiful God wants affection; more than work, the Master Builder wants worship; more than ideology, the Invincible Innovator wants intimacy. Leaning on Him the weight and weariness of all our being, and all else falls into proper place in prosperous proportion. It is then not I, but Christ in me, Who constructs His church, cherishing and nourishing His bride, fascinating and accelerating her heart in seeing and savoring His supremacy.
Yes, our Bridegroom King Christ shall have a victorious, glorious, triumphant end-time church, a bride without spot or blemish or any such thing. Yes, yes, yes, the One Truthful Triune God of ALL grace is infinitely deserving of ALL glory!
Yes amen! Hope you are doing well.
This is a powerful reminder of the importance of discernment in spiritual matters. The Pythonic spirit’s deceptive nature emphasizes the need for vigilance and understanding to avoid being misled. We must carefully discern between genuine and deceptive expressions of faith.
Yes, especially in this day. So appreciate the comment and may we walk carefully in discernment and humility.
Blessings brother!
We must pray daily for discernment and not sleep when it comes to spiritual matters. These are critical times and as the Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
Thank you BT for enlightened us about the Pythonic spirit. Knowledge is powerful!
Hello Curleen you are always a breath of fresh air – your comments express one that is diligent in their walk with Him.
Blessings and grace to you and your loved ones.