February 2025
“JOHANNESBURG – Seventy Christians have been beheaded with machetes or large knives, according to multiple groups that monitor terrorism and persecution, by Islamist militants in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – and yet the world remains mostly silent.
The 70 Christians were first rounded up by Islamist rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces, a group affiliated with the terror group Islamic State, or ISIS, according to Open Doors U.S., which monitors Christian persecution around the world. The Christians, reportedly all from the Lubero district, were forced out of their homes allegedly early in the morning of Feb. 13, with the rebels shouting, “Get out, get out.”
They were taken hostage and moved to a small Christian church in the village of Kasanga. There, inside the building that had until then been considered a sanctuary, they were first tied up, and then all 70 were beheaded, the groups say.”
– Full article here
“As it is written,
For thy sake we are killed all the day long;
we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
Romans 8:36
Paul wrote this verse as thousands of Christians were being slaughtered for sport. Indeed, his own life would be offered as a martyr for Christ. His response to such things?
“Nay, in all these things
we are more than conquerors
through Him that loved us.”
Romans 8:37
Despite the works of pagan and evil men, may the victory of Christ shine through.
It is easy to speak these things in our comfort and prosperity while we boast of our rights and freedom. But He who beholds our walk and our actions may, as He did with Peter, find us lacking in our devotion. Let us pursue the true fellowship of His Spirit with one another. We, as brothers and sisters in Christ, must have those interactions where “iron sharpens iron” so that we may be found true to Him in every situation.
“Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed.”
1 Samuel 2:3 (ESV)
“These are the things you shall do: Speak each man the truth to his neighbor; Give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace; Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor; And do not love a false oath. For all these are things that I hate,’ Says the Lord.”
Zechariah 8:16-17 (NKJV)
“The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions.
Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity.”
Leonard Ravenhill, (1994)
Related Articles:
A.W. Tozer – The Critical Need of the Church
Brian Troxel
Candle Dream Revisited
I had the following night vision in September of last year.
Imagine being in a room full of people in total darkness . Should one light a candle that person could now see the people in the room who were in darkness but those in darkness could also see the person holding the lit candle.
With that said I will tell of a night vision I had 09/01/2022. I saw a large group of people holding candles which were lighting the darkness. Those holding the lit candles represent believers. Reiterating what I said above that those holding the candles were able to see but also be seen.
Then I saw persecution, darkness, happening. I then saw believers begin to willfully blow out their candles so that they would not be persecuted and thus became part of the darkness their light once exposed.
The Lord said these are the cowardly and unbelieving who will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity.
Those who had previously had lit candles began to persecute the remnant holding the lit candles because the light of those who held onto their candles, despite being persecuted, was exposing not only the darkness but those who joined the darkness by extinguishing the flame of their candle.
The cost will be great to hold onto the light.
While up in the early morning hours of Saturday I had the following word from the Lord to add to this night vision.
Those churches who do not stand with Israel but with terrorists bent on Israel’s destruction are no different than those who blew out their candles in the aforementioned dream. This is not a time to be silent.
The warning Mordecai gave Esther is relevant for believers today.
Esther 4:14 (NKJV) 14 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this
The valley of decision awaits every man, some have already arrived there. Some do not want to hear of its coming.
James 1:12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which [the Lord] has promised to those who love Him. (NASB2020)
Amen – A sobering scripture and a timely one.
The vision clearly depicts what is coming and may we find grace today to stand true then. These visions need to be passed on (which I will do in the places that I have access to.
This is the platform that the Lord has provided for me currently. So I’ll continue to post as He leads.
All good.
Beheaded for Christ
Early the morning of , 03/24/2013, I had a dream just before waking. What I saw in the dream was truly frightening. What was taking place in the dream was Christians, many Christians, were being told to deny Jesus. Those that refused were beheaded. What I saw was Christians in shackles being lead up to a place where they were told to deny Christ. When they didn’t, they were kneeling down and placed their head in a carved put piece of wood that looked like the bottom half of a guillotine. What was remarkable is that no one fought to save his/her life. They were like lambs lead to the slaughter. Those being beheaded did not fight because they were ready to meet their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What dawned on me in the dream was that Muslims behead people.
I was not given a time frame in the dream as to when this will occur and anything more on my part would be speculation. Could the Antichrist arise out of the Muslim nations? Again this is nothing more than speculation as I was not told any of this. Furthermore, I was not given a time frame on when this will occur, I.e., post, mid, or pre-tribulation. Once again for me to say when would be pure speculation.
As I was pondering the dream, I saw, in a vision, the man dressed in black with a very large sword in his hand who had been doing the beheading of Christians. This man turned towards me and pointed at me with his sword and said, ” are you ready to die for your faith
I clicked on like, not wanting to, but knowing the truth that He is asking us. Our strength cometh from the Lord. May we stand in His truth and not in our weakness when these days appear.
I appreciate the like. Not all of my dreams are pleasant but still must be published as the Lord leads.
Truth makes us face the untruth of ourselves. Blessed are they who embrace it.
The choices we make now and the depth of our walk in Him are important and critical for the days before us.
Another timely vision.
Jesus, Sacrifice Lamb of God, soak our hearts in Your shed blood throughout every day, and if the time comes and best be, by Your prescient, precious, all-sufficient Sprit of grace, our bodies in our blood. Amen to You, the Amen of Abba Almighty
Prayer daily for our persecuted brethren, the bride of Christ.
May we become so diligent in our prayers for them, that the persecutions coming our way would have the same effect as those of our early brethren.
One Body world wide.
Yes – Amen.
Got the links and so did others.
Hope you are well.
We are not permitted to post URLs here, but prayer guides for the persecuted church are at Barnabas Aid and Open Doors.
This my brother is a sobering encounter with the truth of our Heavenly Father.
Count the cost, Jesus said, carry your cross, and follow me. Full price is everything.
Blessings Brian