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“Blessed is the one who listens to me,
watching daily at my gates,
waiting beside my doors.”
Proverbs 8:34 (ESV)

A blessed life is diligent in the things of God. There is an attentiveness to Him, where our ears are tuned to the whisper of His Spirit whether it be a word of correction, encouragement or teaching. There is a blessing upon those who refuse to give themselves to the distractions of this life. There is a focus and the recognition of our great need to walk circumspectly. It is a day of great delusion, an hour of great subtlety, as we recognize the brevity of life and the emptiness of all this world has to offer.

He alone is our sufficiency. He alone is the abiding place whereby we find grace and provision for this DAY. The ability to hear and to be instructed is the necessity of life! The discipline of “watching DAILY” at His Gates, waiting at the posts of His doors and ever seeking to hear His voice becomes the posture of our daily lives.

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit
and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication
for all saints…”
Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is the essence of our life in God. In touching Him we touch the Well-Spring of Life. The morning watch allows us to discover His enablement so that our hearts and minds can sense His moving and wonder. In His Holy presence, we become tuned to the joy of that same fellowship that He desires to flow from one member to another. In touching Him we touch one another through the substance of the Unity of His Spirit. It is His Presence that makes us ONE. In our communion with Him we are made aware of a Unity so Holy, so Pure and so unspeakable that we are freed from our shortsightedness and blindness.

His Presence is to become our home, our sufficiency and pursuit. His desire for each of His children is to become our ministry to one another. The Joy of life is for us to be His face in this world. In His Presence, we become buoyant and free from the poverty of self, lost in His all-sufficiency.

Prayer is simply the participation of our hearts with His.

“Prayer is the most important thing in my life.
If I should neglect prayer for a single day,
I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith.”
MARTIN LUTHER (1483–1546)

The Morning Watch Series:

The Morning Watch

The Dew of His Presence

Brian Troxel


  • pcviii03 says:

    May we all strive for a deeper fellowship with God. Blessings brother.

  • Oh the joy of the Lord when we pursue Him diligently! Sharing. Blessings BT…

  • Shulamitefire says:

    “Prayer is simply the participation of our hearts with His.”

    Yes! The Christ of God, our attentive, affectionate, Abba Almighty, in Whose Name above every name, privileged we pray and praise, being forever fully God and forever fully man, is infinitely more beautiful, blessed, and beneficent than all the sons of men.

    His ardent, actualizing, ceaselessly compassionate, carefully caring Spirit of intercession and holiness indwelling us and infilling us, immersing us in and overflowing us with Himself provides our vitalmost, conscious love union, our intimate, abiding prayer communion, our matchless, constant celestial companionship with our All Magnificent Eternal King, patiently, persistently conforming us to His champion character and enlarging our capacity to receive that which He divinely deigns to impart and so sublimely delights to infuse for His and others and our everlasting enjoyment.

  • Gary Fultz says:

    “Morning Watch” is so accurately descriptive of what happens when first we meet with the Lord. So foundational to awareness through the day. We may just have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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