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“You are not restricted by us,
but you are restricted in your own affections”
2 Corinthians 6:12

Some in the Church at Corinth blamed the apostolic ministry for their “restrictions”. It is the nature of fallen man to blame circumstances or others for their own lack.

The carnal affections of my heart will restrict the freedom and flow of His Holy Spirit through me. Paul, in his love and desire for the Lordship of Jesus Christ, “labored more abundantly” because of the grace received.

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace which was toward me has not been without fruit, but I labored more abundantly than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me.”
1 Corinthians 15:10 (LITV)

Grace is how God imparts holy affections to us; our lives become “living sacrifices” unto HIM as we come under its Holy influence. The “labour” borne of grace is the evidence of Him moving in us. Faith is the confidence to step into the wonder of His Will, love is the motive, and grace is the enablement.

Paul, moved by the Holy Spirit, spoke sharp and powerful words cutting asunder our excuses.

“but you are restricted
in your own affections”

The boundless horizons of God in each of us will be to the corresponding measure of holy affections that burn within our own hearts. We need not look elsewhere to explain the daily construct of our lives.

“The sluggard says,
“There is a lion outside!…”
Proverbs 22:13 (ESV)

The slothful and the lukewarm will find impediments in their way. There will always be obstacles that “restrict” our freedom in Christ. Jesus prophesied of this day. He warned us that the overriding ethos of the last days would be characterized by the “love of many” growing cold. What was the cause of this grievous condition?

“And because lawlessness (iniquity) will be increased,
the love of many will grow cold”
Matthew 24:12

Spiros Zodhiates gives a definition of the Greek word translated “iniquity”: “In most cases in the NT it means not the absence of the Law, but the violation of Law…” When the heart is divided by many affections it is easy to “set aside” the Law of God and to walk contrary to His Will. To hold unforgiveness, to remain unmoved by the afflictions of others (as expressed in the Parable of the Good Samaritan), to isolate our brother or sister from our care, to live unto ourselves, will cause the love (affection) of our hearts to grow cold.

One statement that sums up the lukewarm spirit of the Laodicean Church is:

“I have need of nothing”
Revelation 3:17

It is filled with apathy and the satisfaction of comfort. It is the summation of a false gospel that presents no power of the affections of Christ within or the “necessity” by which Paul was moved.

“For if I proclaim the gospel, no glory is to me; for necessity is laid on me, and it is woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel”
1 Corinthians 9:16 (please read the context)

A heart divided by a multitude of affections is unable to “feel” the pulse of His movings within. The “necessity” that moved and captured Paul’s heart is to be the growing experience of those who have been infused by the grace of God. The call of God is not a leisurely experience or part-time occupation; it is to produce in us a single eye, a pure heart, and a life unbound by anything other than the Love of Christ!

Paul stated that he did not receive the grace of God in vain but he allowed that grace, that marvelous working of God, to bring into subjection all other loves that he might be a vessel of honor unto the King of kings. It is impossible to hold the grace of God, to profess a faith in Him, yet be unmoved unto the works of Him.

“Because of laziness the building decays,
And through idleness of hands the house leaks”
Ecclesiastes 10:18 (NKJV)

Do we not see both individually and corporately the decay and neglect of the true church? The lack of exhortation and admonition fills the land with slumber. Those who slumber despise exhortation or anything that would awaken them; they just want to sleep.

“The ear that hears the rebukes of life
will abide among the wise.
He who disdains instruction despises his own soul,
But he who heeds rebuke gets understanding.”
Proverbs 15:31-32

His love conquerors all the lesser loves of our fallen natures. He has come and IS come to make us disciples and ministrations of His glory. Spiritual identity is the fruit of doing His Will (James 1:22-25).

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.”
James 1:22-24 (ESV)

It is the forgetful hearer that never comprehends the call of God for themselves. Disobedience and apathy causes obscurity in the defining work of His grace. The Call of God to His own will unerringly bring each to the specifics of a spiritual identity that will leave little doubt concerning their expression in Him.

Paul an apostle.
Agabus the prophet.
Timothy the evangelist,

Paul exhorts: “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it” Colossians 4:17

Those who are growing in His love and His desire for HIS church cannot remain silent. There are no “restrictions” to those who are growing in the affections of Christ. The excuses fade in the power of His Love.

Paul imprisoned in Rome found his prison cell to be no hindrance to the ministrations of Christ. In fact, he declared that the word of God was not “bound” by his circumstances.

Our lives are to be lived unto Him. He who gave Himself for us seeks by the power of His grace to “win” over the affections of our own hearts so that we may experience His liberty moving in and through us.

“Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ”
Philippians 3:8

To those who would desire to comprehend the mystery wrapped up in this Greek word translated “win” I would encourage you to seek out all that Paul was communicating here.

May God shed His light upon our hearts. May we know that His shining forth from each of us is bound in the “affections” of our hearts; not by the circumstances or people that surround us.

“You are not restricted by us,
but you are restricted in your own affections”
2 Corinthians 6:12

“Then we shall know, we who follow on to know Jehovah.
His going forth is established as the dawn…”
Hosea 6:3


PODCAST – The Law of Liberty

Brian Troxel


  • Your podcast “The Law of Liberty” ministered much life to me. Your voice carries much peace in it and that the Lord “brings wings” was such a lovely up-lifting word-picture that I shall remember. Thank you for it and bless you Brian.

  • pcviii03 says:

    Much of the believer’s response is guided by the natural personal perspective, which is to say that we are selfish, we are careless, and we are only interested in our own interests. It is true that we resemble the Laodicean church, but the bigger problem is that without love we gain nothing more than what we can get with our hands – nothing.
    The true treasure is love, and people are desperately looking for it – it is gold, and some of the church is broke.
    Thanks, Brian, we really need this. Blessings.

    • Brian T. says:

      Love is the secret and the power of God within all that we do. Our daily life is the revelation of the love we hold. The “I have need of nothing” is the defining statement of our incredible lack of its influence in our day. Our carnal self is oblivious to its true condition. The love of God brings us to the “necessity” to share its wonder and to pour itself into those around us. The true love of God is humble and seeks not its own way in anything… Being now 70yrs old I think His love is an eternal longing for more of itself as Ecclesiastes so amply states

      “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again”
      Ecclesiastes 1:7

      May we ever be caught up in His wonder!

      • Indeed, beloved brother. True Love is no less than the living Trinity of loving Infinity. The reverential, worshipful awe of God in rich recognition of and deepening dependence upon Himself, Who Is unfailing, unending, and utterly trustworthy Love, is the gracious light and glorious liberty He desires for us and those whose lives we were born to touch and torch with the fire of His Love, here and in the happy, holy highlands of heaven hereafter. Someone has well stated that we can give without loving, but we cannot love without giving.

  • Yes, I am so healthily heartened to read your comment. We cannot love God too much or be too Godlike; God Is Love (1 Jn. 4:8,16, et. al). Christ, Who Is Love incarnate, tells us that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, our soul, and our mind, that the second commandment is like the first; we are to love our neighbor as ourselves for on this hang all the law and the prophets. Jesus further tells us that He is the fulfillment of the law and that the law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Himself. Alleluia to the lowly Lamb of Love Who Is our loft Lord of Liberty! Love to you, ever and always!

  • Curleen Johnson says:

    God is love! We cannot truly love without having a relationship with the ONE who is love. ‘Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (1John 4:7-8)
    Blessings BT…

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