My Beloved
“My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms
from the vineyards of En Gedi.”
Song of songs 1:14
Our time of communion with Him brings intimacy; a knowing, touching, and seeing fresh revelations of Him. Our understanding of Him grows more personal as He draws near.
“My beloved is to me…”
Throughout the Old and New Testaments, one pervading beat resonates within the hearts of His Own: “My Beloved, My Shepherd, My God”. While many may know Him on a basic level, there are always some who know Him in a deeper way. This knowing transcends teachings and concepts. It is knowledge born of personal relationship. Those who speak of this ONE no longer speak within the confines of information and intellect. They speak of wonder, burdens, waves of affection, and gentle repose. The clouds of reason cannot dissuade, arguments and debates of the religious cannot disturb; it is the knowledge of His presence. Those who have touched this wonder can no longer tarry in the realm of man’s surmising and wisdom, of carnal thoughts and esoteric reasonings. The wonder and beauty of Christ eclipses all other things and makes them dull and withering by comparison.
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,
we have fellowship one with another…”
1 John 1:7
In the sharing of who He is we experience that deep and personal fellowship with one another. There is an exhilaration in life that increases the depths of love and devotion for Him. This brings change, conviction, and awe to all involved.
“…in his temple doth every one
speak of his glory”
Psalm 29:9
Those who live and abide in Him can speak of nothing else. There is a communication of love, a release of His grace, within the atmosphere of those who meet in His Name (His Nature, His Spirit). They cannot find rest in the mundane and trivial words of men.
“To see thy power and thy glory,
so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary”
Psalm 63:12
True ministry arises effortlessly from those who behold Him in the sanctuary of their own hearts.
“My beloved is to me…”
See Related Post: Beloved
“Human beings must be known to be loved;
but Divine beings must be loved to be known.”
Blaise Pascal
Author: Blaise Pascal
Brian Troxel
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