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Desire: The Sign of Life

“My soul thirsteth for God,
for the living God”

Psalm 42:2

Desire is the revelation of the essence and substance of an individual’s life. Need is the essential element of desire. The nature of the soul is expressed by that for which it thirsts.

“Blessed are they
which do hunger and thirst after righteousness…”
Matthew 5:6

Those who are “blessed” by God know this condition. This longing is the expression of a life that has been graced by God. Hunger is the evidence of a healthy life whereas the lack of appetite is often a sign of illness. It is the life with His presence within that longs for His fulness.

Words and doctrines cannot assuage the heart set upon the verity of Him.

Imagine sitting down to eat and being satisfied with reading the menu rather than the food itself of which the menu speaks! Such is the condition of those who are content with the words of the covenant rather than the reality of it.

“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.”
John 5:39-40

Too many in our day are satisfied with a knowledge of the scriptures rather than the life of the ONE of whom the scriptures speak.

May we know the favor and blessedness of a heart set upon Him alone.

“My soul thirsteth for God,
for the living God”

Psalm 42:2

See Related Post: Captivated By Beauty

Brian Troxel


  • Julia says:

    This was so beautifully written! Oh how our soul longs for the one we love….. OUR FIRST LOVE! The one who quenches all we desire in this life. Be Blessed in His Grace.

  • Very thought provoking Brother. The dangers you point out are real. Jesus warned of such:
    Revelation 2:4 ‘But I have [this] against you, that you have left your first love.
    Revelation 2:5 ‘Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place–unless you repent. (NASB1995)
    The deeds, the doing must spring from the love for Him, and the desire to help others know Him and To desire His ways and to love Him. You are seen doing those well. May this love fuel our desire in these coming days likely demanding more of our endurance.

  • Gary Fultz says:

    It’s so true. our desires show us where our hearts are. Sometimes when we want the right desires and do not have them it is like looking for the Christmas tree bulb that isn’t working because nothing is working. Then we ask God to search our hearts and show us, bring us back to our first love.

  • c.a. says:

    “Imagine sitting down to eat and being satisfied with reading the menu rather than the food itself of which the menu speaks! Such is the condition of those who are content with the words of the covenant rather than the reality of it.”
    This is the sad state of many who attend Bible “studies” instead of Bible “doings.”
    ❤️& 🙏, c.a.

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