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Beloved, if God so loved us,
we ought also to love one another.”
1 John 4:11

As we journey through this life, it is important that we savor His Word. In our reading of scripture, we often miss impartations of the fragrances He sends our way. “Beloved” is one of those words that carry the power and force of all He seeks to convey to us: that we are “esteemed, dear, favourite, worthy of love” (Thayers Greek Lexicon).


May we breathe in the aroma of His heart in this word. Let the assurance of His desire, the dew of His thoughts toward us, settle upon our fragile lives. It is easy to be wrapped up in our struggles, our warfare, and the trials that “beset us”; let us take a holy Selah to pause and let the peace of Him invade us.

On life’s path, fraught with the issues of faith, truth, and the work of the Cross, it is essential that we allow Him to speak to us of the intimate love He holds for those who remain faithful to His Call.

There are many instances where this Word is spoken: sometimes with His reproof and correction, other times with His affirmation and joy. It is incumbent upon us to embrace this salutation of Love that, regardless of the situation, we may bear in our hearts His unchanging desire for us to arise and follow “hard” after Him.

“My soul followeth hard after thee:
Thy right hand upholdeth me.”
Psalm 63:8

It is good to note that David’s heartfelt pursuit of God resulted from God’s “right hand” upholding him. So, too, with us. We love Him because He first loved us; we pursue Him because of the wonder of His desire for us to “grow up into Him in all things” (Ephesians 4:15).

Few words can ignite a newborn passion for Him, such as being addressed by Him as “beloved.”

Related Post: My love

“Christian, let God’s distinguishing love to you be a motive to you to fear Him greatly. He has put His fear in your heart, and may not have given that blessing to your neighbor, perhaps not to your husband, your wife, your child, or your parent. Oh, what an obligation should this thought lay upon your heart to greatly fear the Lord! Remember also that this fear of the Lord is His treasure, a choice jewel, given only to favorites, and to those who are greatly beloved.”
– John Bunyan

Brian Troxel


  • Willie Torres Jr. says:

    Amen 🙏🤗❤

  • “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine” (Song of Songs 2:16).

    God Is Love. 1 John 4:8,16
    8 The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.]

    16 We have come to know [by personal observation and experience], and have believed [with deep, consistent faith] the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides continually in him.

    Isa. 52:14
    Many people were ·shocked [astonished; appalled] when they saw him. His appearance was so ·damaged [disfigured; marred] he did not look like a man; his form ·was so changed they could barely tell he was human [Lbeyond the sons of man/children of humanity].
    But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.

    John Gill’s Exposition
    Isaiah 52:14

    As many were astonished at thee

    Not so much at the miracles he wrought, the doctrines he taught, and the work he did; or at his greatness and glory, at his exaltation and dignity, though very wonderful; as at his humiliation, the mean appearance he made, the low estate he was brought into; the sufferings and death which he underwent. These words are placed between the account of his exaltation and humiliation, and may be thought to have respect to both; and indeed it is astonishing that one so great as he was, and is, should become so low as he did; and also that one that was brought so low should be raised so high: his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men;though fairer than the children of men, as he was the immediate workmanship of the divine Spirit, and without sin; yet, what with his griefs and sorrows he bore, and troubles he met with; what with watchings and fastings, with laborious preaching, and constant travelling about to do good; what with sweat and blood, with buffetings and scourgings, never was any man’s face more marred, or his form more altered, than his was.

    • Brian T. says:

      It is beyond me to fully grasp the contradiction He endured because of His love for the Father and our great need for salvation. Apologize for the slow response have been low in energy these past few days.

      Great blessings to you!

  • John Gill, born 1796, is my favorite expositor for enlightenment and exhortation in believing and bowing to Christ our all-beautiful, beneficent Beloved. Too, I appreciate Gill as a Holy Spirit endued wordsmith, his proficient use and skillful arrangement of words and splendid style. Throughout his fifty year ministry Gill’s intense focus and unrelenting passion is on the doctrine of God’s Person, Who God Is. Gill is noted for producing thousands of pages of theological discourse, with a particular emphasis on discovering the doctrine of the One Beautiful Triune God.

    According to Gill, steeping spirit, soaking soul, and molding and modeling mind in the nature, characteristics and attributes of the Three Person One Divine is paramount in theological inquiry, as all theology originates from God’s Self-revelation to His Image bearers.

    He steadfastly sets forth that the teaching of the Trinity is not merely a speculative or abstract concept but a foundational belief that underscores salvation, doctrine, and the progress and joy in believing the Holy Trinity of Loving Infinity, and Who does not suffer souls endlessly in hell, which is that which would delight and drive the demonic, but our Christ indeed compassionately triumphed over. Alleluia! Give the Creator the Glory! Gill believed that rich appreciation for and in depth understanding of the Trinity was crucial to the core of Christian theology and Christocentric spirituality, indeed, that of conformity to the character of Christ.

    • Brian T. says:

      Many years ago I realized that we are created in God’s image – we ourselves are a trinity; spirit, soul and body as if to give us a mystery in ourselves to comprehend in order that we might wonder what is the uncomprehendable the mystery of the Divine Trinity! The Mystery of all mysteries.

      Blessings my friend

      • Such a mystery it is that I can merely suggest that as created in our Creator’s image our trichotomy of being as individual persons closely correlates that of the One Triune Being, our Trinitarian Creator. You stated it better than I have; thank you.

  • pcviii03 says:

    The calloused heart forgets the intensity of the love of God for us. We easily fall into obligation and the desire that we once had is gone like a vapor.
    May we remember our “First Love”

    • Brian T. says:

      Sorry for the late reply – my energy of late has been low… It is a true saying “familiarity breed contempt” and without our daily encounters with Him we can quickly lose the essential grandeur of Him. There seems to be (by design) a need to touch Him daily to maintain His wonder.

      “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”
      Lam. 3:22-23

      We are ever in His debt!

  • Curleen Johnson says:

    Amen 🙏

  • mosckerr says:

    The UN plays no role in determining the surrender terms Israel dictates upon dhimmi Gazans. After the complete unconditional surrender of Ham-ass to the IDF and the public execution of Ham-ass leaders, followed by the mass population transfer of all dhimmi Gazans, about 2.2 million, to Lebanon. Followed by the total population transfer of dhimmi Arabs in Samaria to Gaza. Then and only then can peace shine.

    • Brian T. says:

      We all look forward to the day when “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more” Isaiah 2:4


      • Brian T. says:

        Anger is the proof of insecurity.

        Nothing like religious pride to blind a man – an obscenity rich response shows a goyim heart and spirit. The truth is you can’t handle the truth of the very scriptures you claim to know.

        I will hold you in my prayers that you may come to the Truth that Christ is the Messiah!

        • Brian T. says:

          It is clear how little peace you have in your life. 50 years ago I was a drug addict, alcoholic and a gang member Jesus came into my room in the middle of the night – I was instantly freed from drugs, alcohol and even swearing which has continued to this day. My “imaginary God” radically changed my life and I have a deep abiding peace that has been resident within me for over 50 years. His Name is Jesus and He is the Prince of Peace as declared by the God of your fathers.

          I do feel sorry for you and will continue to hold you in my prayers that you too may have a personal encounter rather than a blind faith in the mere words of men and the tradition of men. The rent veil gives testimony to an empty temple and the destruction of it as prophesied by Jesus. Even History speaks and gives evidence to this.

          I will not have any more of your comments published as even the unbelievers do not speak with such anger and animosity.

          May the God of all grace open your eyes to the Lamb of God.

          Warm regards,

  • 💓🧡💝❤️ NICE


    GREETINGS 🇪🇸🌈🌹

  • ❤️❤️💛💚

    Blessed and Happy afternoon 🌞

    Greetings 👋 pk 🌎


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