A Morning Psalm

A Morning Psalm to my Saviour,
My Lord and My Life
Lord I Come
Within the working of Your loom,
The threads of Your being,
become the fabric of Your Own.
Deep within the Womb,
The Image of The Son appears.
Line upon line, word upon word,
To all who have an ear.
Even so Lord I come,
I continue to come,
and may I ever come,
closer to Thee.
In darkness You give me,
eye salve to see.
In the mists of confusion,
You become the Way for me.
In the storms of life, You are
the Peace who holds my soul.
When dark doubts assail,
Your faithfulness prevails.
In the burning fires,
my bonds of flesh are burned.
In Your stinging judgments,
Your holy ways are learned.
In the fires of testing,
emerges a purer faith.
In the common course of life,
Your uncommon grace.
In the mundane things,
a sense of Your Holy Face.
In my emptiness,
Your fulness ever filling,
and in my failures,
Your victory ever instilling.
Who is like unto Thee!
Who can fathom the Wisdom of Your ways?
Who can measure the depths and the heights?
Who can mark the width and breadth of your being?
Who can dwell in the Light which blinds all seeing?
Yet you mark out our ways,
Oh Shepherd of Days.
Your grace is measured,
on Love’s measureless scale,
to work within us,
Your Will to fulfill.
Your dwelling place is High and Holy,
Yet you dwell with those
who are broken and lowly,
and tremble, at the wonder,
of your living Word.
Though you hide Your-Self,
Yet You desire to unveil,
to those who sell all
for the Priceless Pearl.
Even so Lord I come,
Even so Lord I come,
Even so I thirst,
Even so I hunger,
Even so I love Thee.
Teach me THY WAYS
That I may walk in Them.
See: Alone With God
Brian Troxel