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Precious Faith

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ”
1 Peter 1:7

It is the trials that cause us to value the gift of faith. The tenacity of spirit which accompanies this great gift and holds us to the will of God is beyond the resources of self. In reaching our end we discover the faith of God to persevere.

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.”
Luke 22:31-32

Jesus did not pray for Peter himself – He prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail! The key to our victories does not lie within ourselves but with the One who watches over our faith; by faith alone we stand and overcome.

“this is the victory that overcometh the world,
even our faith
1 John 5:4

See: Passing Through the Valleys

Brian Troxel



  • I am still learning how to “count it all joy when you fall into various trials”. May He increase my faith!

  • Stephen says:

    Without faith, I’d have no hope. There is nothing more deadly than hopelessness.
    One must come to terms with the fact that either God is sovereign or He is not. If God is sovereign then we have no choice but to trust IN Him who is faithful.
    There is no substitute for the person of Jesus Christ for He is faithful beyond our comprehension. Wether we’re aware of it or not has no bering on His faithfulness.
    The scripture declares that “ we love Him because He first loved us” is a testament to the fact that God is working in all our lives wether we acknowledge it or not.
    It is my prayer that God will continue to have mercy on us all and that He would reveal and call many more unto Himself.
    I confess that Jesus Christ IS who the scriptures declare Him to be and that He IS faithful.
    There is no substitute, religious or otherwise, for the person of Jesus Christ.
    May He open many more hearts, ears and eyes that many more will come to faith in Him.

  • Great word!
    The testing of our faith priduces patience and patience wheb it does its work we should lack nothing in life

    • Brian Troxel says:

      The faith that glorifies the Father needs to be purified from our own agendas, pursuits and the ways of men. “Blessed are the pure in heart…” It is easy for individuals to use their faith in God to advance themselves a great travesty in this day. “Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience…” 1 Timothy 3:9


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