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Geoffrey T. Bull – The Full Knowledge

By September 26, 2020No Comments

Geoffrey T. Bull

Three Degrees of
Spiritual Knowledge

“We are told of three degrees of spiritual knowledge which for us, are the true content of the Divine Wisdom.

  1. There is the knowledge of God Himself in Christ, thus Paul prays ‘that I may know Him’. For Paul this is the excellency of knowledge, compared with which all else is as the refuse of the field.
  2. There is the knowledge of God’s Will; thus Paul says ‘We do not cease to pray for you that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His Will.’
  3. There is the knowledge of His Gifts; thus Paul writes ‘We have received the Spirit which is of God, that ye might know the things that are freely given us of God.’

It is in this knowledge that Christ Jesus is made unto us Wisdom. It will make fools of us before the world, but we can be quiet in the assurance that the wisdom of God shall at the last be justified in all of her children.
– Geoffrey T. Bull

“That I might know Him”

This is the cry of every true believer. May we grow in the full knowledge of Himself, His Will and to be faithful stewards of His unmerited gifts.
Brian Troxel



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