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Continued from
The Work of Jesus – The Blind See

Seeing is only the beginning of our life in Him. In being born again, there is an awareness of His vast Glory and the need for us to grow in our personal knowledge of Him. True spiritual vision will produce a singular pursuit of His person and His Life.

It is the Work of Jesus to impart vision and purpose to every child of God.

Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
John 3:5

It is one thing to “SEE” the Kingdom of God; it is an entirely different thing to begin to ENTER HIS dominion. Some in our day stop at seeing. Many will obey His Word as far as water baptism; far fewer seek and desire the Baptism of the Spirit. There is often a contentment in seeing, discussing and teaching about this Kingdom while ignoring His Word regarding our entrance into His Rule over our lives (Luke 6:46).

The powerful Word presented to us in John 3:3 makes it a mandatory experience punctuated by the word “except”; this same word punctuates our entrance into the Kingdom of God in John 3:5.

It is disconcerting that so many of God’s people consider the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as a doctrinal matter. There is a “take it or leave it” mentality, with the Word of God having little influence as to the essential nature of its wonder.

The difference between the disciples huddled together in the Upper Room before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the dynamic of their walk after should be enough to press our hearts to seek, pursue and live in His Power.

“…you do not have, because you do not ask.
You ask, and do not receive, because you ask wrongly,
in order that you may spend on your lusts.”
James 4:2-3

Whenever God’s people are content with the status quo, they will languish in complacency and powerlessness. The Apostles and the ministry of the early Church were ever seeking more of Him. They were not content nor relaxed in their walk with God. Spiritual hunger is a revelation of a healthy heart.

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst…”
Matthew 5:6

Paul declared:

“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:12-14

Let us consider the pursuit of God and feel the intensity of spirit that gripped Paul’s heart compared with the temper of today’s church. Paul’s pursuit for more of God was not something born of his own making; it was the longing of the Spirit of God Himself!

Paul, on his way to Rome, met with the elders of the Church at Ephesus reminding them of how he conducted himself in their midst for three years.

“… remembering that I did not cease admonishing each one
with tears night and day for three years.”
Acts 20:31 (LITV)

These are the ministrations of those who have received the Holy Spirit. They cared not for the governmental issues of the day; they were free from the politics and issues going on in the darkening world around them. Their heart had one purpose: to see His Church become the pure, unified expression of HIS GLORY! (Ephesians 4:11-13, John 17:21))

Where are those ministrations today? Where are those who feel the pulse of heaven? Where are those who weep over the ministry of this hour who are content to have their church rather than pursuing the ONE BODY; humbling themselves and flowing together with the rest, going from house to house to ensure every member becomes a vital member of the Body of Christ?

“how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable,
and teaching you in public and from house to house.
Acts 20:20

Until we comprehend that it requires an infusion of the Holy Spirit for His people to make Him known, the church in our land will continue to rely upon human reasoning and uninspired sermons, leaving His people unchanged, without conviction, and content with lukewarm hearts.

“The kingdom of God does not consist in talk, but in power, that is, in works and practice. God loves the ‘doers of the word’ in faith and love, and not the ‘mere hearers,’ who, like parrots, have learned to utter certain expressions with readiness.”
– Martin Luther

May God return His Church to the truth of His Word and free us from men’s carnal reasonings that rob His people of His power and reality.

“Let us go on…”

“Because of this, having left the discourse of the beginning of Christ, let us be borne on to full growth, not laying down again a foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of baptisms (plural), of doctrine, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of dead ones, and of eternal judgment.”
Hebrews 6:2-3 (LITV) [parenthesis mine]

Related Posts: The True Salvation

Related Posts in this Series:

The Work of Jesus – The Blind See

It is the Work of Jesus to impart Vision
It is the responsibility of every child of God
to pursue it

“Beware of resting in the word of the Kingdom, without the spirit and power of the Kingdom of that gospel, for the gospel coming in word only saves nobody, for the Kingdom of God or the gospel, where it comes to salvation, is not in word but in power.”
– John Bunyan

“For the kingdom of God is not in word,
but in power.”
1 Corinthians 4:20

(This writing is reduced to short excerpts
as to facilitate a greater apprehension
of all the Spirit of God is seeking to instill,
it is my earnest desire that this writing will be read
by hungry hearts rather than to casually be read
as another piece of data to tickle the ears of the curious)

(to be continued)

Brian Troxel


  • Tony says:

    Three Winds
    The Lord got me up at around 2:30 am and wouldn’t allow me to go back to sleep until I wrote down this dream/word. I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me as I wrote this down.

    Three winds are coming

    The first is that which is not of Me will be blown away. Picture a whirlwind if you will. Denominations, religious institutions, etc. not of the Lord’s doing.

    The 2nd wind is a wind of exposure. I see preachers standing behind pulpits when suddenly a wind knocked over the pulpit they stood behind and then stripped them naked so that their nakedness was seen by all. These are those who think that they can hide their sin behind a pulpit and no one will see but I see says the Lord. These are those who water down my Word with the pretense of winning the lost when in reality it is to hide their own sin and maintain their power and position both of which will be stripped away from them.

    The 3rd wind is the wind of my power as in the day of Pentecost. This wind is a transforming wind and an empowering wind.

    Your understanding of the five fold ministry will be changed. No longer will you say, ” I don’t move in that gift or that’s not my calling”, for the gifts and callings are from Me says the Lord and it is I who give them out as I will.

    The phrase that will be used often is , “how can this be?”, for nothing is impossible with the Lord and to him who believes. You will see people who have no seminary training get a download from Me and astound people with the wisdom and understanding coming from their mouths.

    Little children will move in the Spirit. Make sure you don’t hinder the little children for of such is the kingdom of God. Imagine a child with no musical knowledge sit at a piano and begin to sing and play beautiful worship music. Again you will say, “how can this be?”, it can be for all things are possible with God and to him who believes. Further imagine a little child prophesying or preaching an entire sermon.

    The deaf will hear….those whose ears have been closed to the gospel as well as those who physically can’t hear.

    The blind will see. Those who are spiritually blind as well as those who are physically blind

    The lame will walk. Those who aren’t walking with God…..the backslidden as well as those who are physically unable

    • Brian T. says:

      Such a timely word and one that is NOW happening. I have other places where I share and send out emails, and I will be sending this timely word to as many as I can. The spirit of slumber is upon many. May God arouse His people!!!

      Many years ago (35?), the Lord gave me a vision where I was given to see the Pillars of a governing society, on these pillars were the various institutions of a functioning proper government as I beheld these pillars i.e. Judicial, Financial, Executive, and so on, I saw a wind begin to blow and a voice declared: “The Winds of Change” and as I watched the wind blow it would pick up sand and the wind combined with the sand began to erode these foundations greatly weakening these pillars. As I continued watching, the wind picked in intensity and I heard the voice again “The Winds of War.” with this new intensity, the pillars fell, and there was total chaos. With no power left in all of the institutions of Government, it was total anarchy and the only authority that remained rested in those who had come under His Authority before the collapse of all other authority.

      Blessings my brother the Day is upon us!

  • Tony says:

    This above dream is from January 2024

  • The purity and simplicity of devotion to Christ is precisely and preeminently this: pure and simple. Such is actively elevating, enormously enabling, and holy ennobling for the chief cause of Christ, for Christ Himself no less. Reckonings and reasonings that do not spring from the simplicity of devotion to Christ ruin the purity and, therefore, relinquish the peerless power of devotion that is childlike faith, so cherished and commended by Christ.

    Deeds described in the Book of Acts were directly done as the Holy Spirit consequence of childlike faith, powerfully practiced as pure and simple devotion to Christ Himself.

    Mere multiplication of words can and do betimes undermine this unassuming heart attitude and unpretentious mindset by wandering way of the self-deception that is self-striving sans the Spirit beneath the subtle, slippery, serpentine guise of enlightening precepts, Christly comprehension, and Deific doctrine.

    Allow the little children, those who do not have an overblown sense of their importance or wherewithal, to come to Christ, as He, the Fountain of living waters, so purely and so simply but most passionately enjoins us to do.

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