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Vision and Purpose

By June 7, 2020January 12th, 20243 Comments

Vision and Purpose

“I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision”
Acts 26:19

Purpose is the inevitable result of seeing Him. The true Love of God does not leave a life void of passion or purpose. Paul’s presentation of the Gospel made no allowance for a partial pursuit of God. For him, it was unfathomable to love God with a divided heart; becoming more like Christ was the only purpose. He knew in his own experience that the Love of God was the pure power and wonder of Life. Love is the means by which God subdues all things unto Himself. The human heart was created for this: to glorify God and to reveal His wonder, His person and His wisdom to the rest of creation.

Where the love of God abides there is room for nothing else. Love’s dominion within the life of His Own will not allow di-vision of heart. Di-vision describes a worldly heart; a state of divided loyalties and other pursuits. Whenever God’s purposes become subservient to other things, darkness and compromise will ensue.

These are dark times in the comprehension of the majesty of our God. There is a presentation of the gospel that is demeaning to the magnificent offering of Christ. The results are catastrophic and heart rending. For some, ministry is viewed as a career choice. It is presented as if His Will were part of a multiple-choice question in the handbook of life. For the disciples, Jesus was all; life held no other purpose.

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself”
Luke 10:27

Jesus followed the above scripture with

“…this do, and thou shalt live”
Luke 10:28

It is impossible to separate the Life of Christ from the Love of God. Any teaching or life presenting any deviation from this is not the Gospel of God! Love burns with intensity, it is incapable of compromise within or without. When the love of God abides within the human heart it is compelled by desire to pursue a full apprehension of His beauty. It does not rest in a partial acquisition. It cannot find anything else to fill or satisfy this eternal longing which is ours in Christ Jesus. This quest is the result of seeing Him. No earthly religion can birth this relentless pursuit to know Him. This glorious cry is the joy and the privilege of the children of God:

“That I may know him…”
Philippians 3:10

If one was to sum up the life and message of Paul it would be this: to have any other purpose in life, any other passion that influences our heart, is evidence that we have not seen the living Christ. Purpose is the result of vision. What one pursues reveals the heart’s true love. Apathy is the result of spiritual blindness. A heart that is not aflame with the love of God does not know its own spiritual condition.

Ministry will always be the natural outflow of a life that abides within the sphere of the Love of God. It is an artesian well, a spring that flows effortlessly from Christ who is the source. Where there is no flow of the riches and power of His life there is no vital relationship with Him who is the Living Water.

“For we cannot but speak the things
which we have seen and heard”
Acts 4:20

Those who see little, have little to share. Those who hear little, have little to say. Sharing will always be proportional to seeing and hearing. The inward pressure to share what we have seen and heard must find release. Through the unction of Love God gave His Only Begotten Son. If that Love is resident within, it must make Him known to others.

Ministry is an overflow; the abundance of God flowing from a life who is unable to contain His glory. In God’s wisdom and design He chooses the weak things to confound the wise and places within earthen vessels the treasure of His Son.

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
that the excellency of the power may be of God,
and not of us”
2 Corinthians 4:7

The love of God produces extravagant and passion-filled expressions of Him. It is not about the earthen vessel. It is about our willingness to devote ourselves to His purpose that He might show the excellency of His power. How can we do otherwise for Him who alone is worthy? May we know this fire and passion to see His Church arise with His glory resting upon each member!

“Send the Fire”


“…in His temple doth every one speak of his glory”
Psalm 29:9

Brian Troxel


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