The Reason for Grace
“Then many of His disciples having heard,
said, This Word is hard; who is able to hear it?”
John 6:60
If it were easy; if it were something we could do on our own… there would be no need for Grace. The hard sayings of Jesus are not only offensive to the natural man, it is beyond the strength of man to walk in their wonder. We can either attempt to bring down His Word by diluting it or we can allow Him to raise us up on eagle wings.
“…they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles…”
Isaiah 40:31
Grace and Truth
“For the law was given by Moses,
but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”
John 1:17
Grace has come. It comes to all who will seek out the ONE who can lift us up into heavenly places and make us walk in the dynamic of His Spirit. Grace is the power to walk in truth. It is what turns the broken, the addicted, and the lost into lives filled with purpose and freedom.
The Grace of God is offered in Christ Jesus the resurrected ONE. Come to Him and allow His grace to fill your heart with the divine enablement to walk free and to live free.
“If it were only the exercise of the body, the moving of the lips, the bending of the knee, men would as commonly step to heaven as they go to visit a friend: but to separate our thoughts and affections from the world, to draw forth all our graces, and engage each in its proper object, and to hold them to it till the work prospers in our hands, this, this is the difficulty.”
– Richard Baxter
“I thank my God always on your behalf,
for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ”
1 Corinthians 1:4
I loved everything about this writing! When you say “Grace is the power to walk in truth” no truer words were spoken. God Bless and keep you Always.
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.
I noticed you do not have a share or reblog button except twitter and facebook which I’m not on. Do you mind if I copy this writing to my website? I await your reply.
Thank you for stopping by, I have a new site being built should be up soon. Everything on this blog is free to share at any time.