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The Purpose of Grace – 4

God’s Purpose in Giving His Grace

For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested,
that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
1 John 3:8

We are called to be the light of the world. His Light reveals the hearts of men. His light dispels the works of darkness. His Life destroys the workings of despair that would beguile and tempt men and women into the throes of bitterness, sorrow, and death. Many die long before they stop breathing. There are lives all around us twisted and perverted by the wretchedness of sin, gift-wrapped in the illusion of temporary pleasure, hollow souls with vacant eyes, and empty hearts bound in the misery of addiction and hopelessness.

He came for such as these. He has invested Himself into our own brokenness so that we may take the light of His Life to see the “works of the devil” destroyed in others. God’s answer is the power of Christ shining through redeemed souls, made whole by the same grace, now reaching out to others. May we see that the answer to our timidity, our reluctance, our apathy, and our fear is the fullness of God’s love ruling in our hearts.

Those who have God’s love give themselves first to Him, then to the world. The same God who loved the world to the point of giving His only begotten Son has also purposed for us to give of ourselves in and through that same Love moving in us.

“… as my Father hath sent me,
even so send I you”
John 20:21

The Purpose of Grace Series

See The Purpose of Grace (Part 1)
See The Purpose of Grace (Part 2)
The The Purpose of Grace (Part 3)

Brian Troxel

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