“Though He was a Son,
yet learned He obedience
by the things which He suffered”
Hebrew 5:8
By its very nature true Obedience is not a thing into which a man can be born; it is in essence a life of growth and development. True Obedience requires understanding and knowledge concerning the One who is to be obeyed. It is beyond the capability of a three year old to fully know and understand either the sacrificial love of a parent or the obedience required. A good parent knows what is right and proper for the development of the child and conducts their life accordingly, sacrificing their own comfort for the good of the child.
As the Son of God, Jesus knew from eternity, perfect union, fellowship and oneness with the Father. But as the Son of Man He came as a little child to grow up and learn obedience clothed in human weakness and frailty! He did not have any disobedience in His Life, but He grew into obedience unto the Father as a man, clothed in human flesh. He grew and developed as a MAN, from the weakness of human infancy into the full expression of the MAN CHRIST JESUS.
“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit,
Filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon Him”
Luke 2:40
He grew into manhood as any man; he suffered the same temptations as you and I, yet without sin! And as He grew HE learned of His Father’s will as a MAN. His responsibilities as HE grew required an ever growing obedience to the Father’s will; there was never any disobedience but there was a constant lying aside of His WILL as a man in order to do the Father’s will. That is the cross. That is the suffering that Jesus knew and walked in. We see Him in the Garden crying out in agony over the hour that was upon HIM to such an extent that “His sweat was as it were great drops of Blood”…
“Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me:
nevertheless not my will, BUT THINE BE DONE”
Luke 22:42 – 44
May we see the depth of His obedience unto the Father that we may value the privilege that is ours to walk and “learn” of Him in the school of obedience!
We live in a world of information, data and knowledge, but NONE OF THESE HAVE ANY VALUE UNLESS WE COME TO REALIZE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO THESE THINGS! We have teachers who teach “truth”, seminars where Christian “principles” and “concepts” are taught ad infinitum and yet without the yoke of responsibility there is no DEVELOPMENT IN THE APPREHENSION OF HIS LIFE. It is certainly true concerning our day…
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the
knowledge of THE TRUTH”
II Timothy 3:7
For it is not A TRUTH but THE TRUTH. The Truth is HIS LIFE in us; the TRUTH who alone can make us free. The truth is a person and HIS NAME IS JESUS, for HE SHALL SAVE US FROM OUR SINS!
In the book of Hebrews it goes on to say…
“And being made perfect,
He became the author of eternal salvation
Hebrews 5:9
The depth of our salvation is revealed by the depth of our obedience. For it is in being saved from the slavery to our own will that we are freed to live in HIS.
“What we think of, what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence.
The only thing of consequence is what we do”
John Ruskin (1819–1900)Ω