Quote for Today
Notes on the Scripture – John 16:7
“Nevertheless I tell you the truth;
It is expedient for you that I go away…”
John 16:7
“For example, here is a mother who is teaching her little child to walk. You know what a pleasure it is to see a little creature taking its first walk from one chair to another! I do not think I shall ever forget the first time I taught a little child to walk, and the joy I had in seeing the little toddling creature manage to go three steps without my help. There came to me a sense of triumph, a sense of something done. Well, here is a mother teaching her child to walk from one chair to another, and she begins by holding the child’s waist gently with both hands, and as the little thing steadies itself, and seems to have found its feet, she just takes away her hands little by little. Why does she take away her hands? Does she say, “I am tired; I do not like this posture of embracing thee, or of holding thee”? No, but she says in effect, “It is expedient for thee, my little child, that I take away this motherly support; thou must learn to walk by thyself;” and so the hands go away, not because the mother is weary, but because the child must be taught, sooner or later, self-reliance.”
Joseph Parker – The People’s Bible