Quote for Today
True Fellowship
“For it is not so much speaking true things that doth good, as speaking them from the pure, and conveying them to the pure: for the life runs along from the vessel of life in one, into the vessel of life in another; and the words (though ever so true) cannot convey life to another, but as the living vessel opens in the one, and is opened in the other.”
– Isaac Pennington
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another…” John 1:7
I hope more people read the writings of Isaac Penington.
The Letter of Isaac Penington
Amen… Not a popular word but true –
Wow that is spot on.
“Sink down to the seed that God sows in your heart.”
– I doubt it could have been better expressed. This man knew his God…