Value and Need
“Let not your heart be troubled…”
John 14:1
“The hearts of the disciples were troubled because they feared the consequences of His leaving them. It is evident that they knew what it was to have the Saviour, and that is, I suppose, more than can be said of most now present. It was more than could be said of the disciples at one period of their lives; and more than can be said of those who are still in their natural state, for Scripture tells us that such are “without Christ”. Now, do you know what it is to be without Him? If not, you cannot know what it is to have Him. He will not be found with any that do not value Him. He is infinitely precious in Himself and infinitely precious in the eyes of the Father. Herein is love in its richest expression that the Father gave His Son, who was the love of His love and the heart of His kindness. The Son is the heart of the Fathers love if you get that, you have everything. He remains among a people as long as they think Him to be precious”
– Jonathan Ranken Anderson
“Unto you, therefore,
which believe He is precious…”
1 Peter 2:7
The true testimony that our “belief” is born of a living faith is revealed in how precious HE is to us in our day-to-day life. Our estimation of His worth will be measured by our need and dependency upon Him in the outflow of everyday living. While many profess a “belief” in Him, His worth is known in the proportion of our need to live in a manner that pleases our Heavenly Father.
To those who live out of the resources of self have little need of Him. They may speak of Him, use His name for their endeavors, and yet be unaware of their desperate need of Him. It is the need that determines His value.
“And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach”
Isaiah 4:1
See: Fruitfulness
“..for without Me, ye can do nothing”
John 15:5
Brian Troxel
Such a good read of the importance of believing on Him, and not just saying we serve Christ. We are known by our fruits and therein is the difference of those who serve Christ genuinely as our fruits prove it.
Amen… Thank you for the comment!