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The Dew of His Presence

“My heart is overflowing with a good matter.
I am speaking of my works to the King;
my tongue is the pen of a rapid writer.”
Psalm 45:1

There are mornings when the fragrance of His mercies touches our souls, and the heart arises to respond to His watchful care. It is the Lord’s good pleasure to visit His own with His presence and the aroma of His grace. Though we are beset with our frailty, weaknesses, and questions concerning our worth, He never fails to assure us of Himself.

“It is by the kindnesses of Jehovah that we are not consumed, for His mercies are not ended. They are new by mornings; great is Your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23 (LITV)

Like the dew that falls in the stillness of the night, so too He, in great kindness in the hidden places of our hearts, renews and refreshes us gently with His all-pervading wonder.

“May my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew, like gentle rain upon the tender grass, and like showers upon the herb.”
Deuteronomy 32:2 (ESV)

Like an infant held firm in the arms of the Eternal One, may we rest in the “steadfast love of the Lord.”

“Blessed be the Name of the Lord.”

Related Post: Morning Light

Brian Troxel


  • Willie Torres Jr. says:

    Amen 🙏 Amen

  • pcviii03 says:

    Conssidering the tenderness of an infant, I caan imagine his faithful aarms wrapped around us. Great illustration.
    Blessings brother.

  • Beloved brother Brian, such delightful dew about which you write so well is the extravagantly voluminous, grandly luminous, iridescent love of the peerless Presence of the Three Person One Divine that surpasses knowledge in totally trustworthy, transcendent terms of dimensions, directions, dwellings, diversities, devotions, and divine dramas. Yes, Deific dramas duly, quickening and quieting, stirring yet serening, energizing while easing. This magnificently multifarious love drama of infinite ingenuity is vivid, vital, emotional, and of most intense interest with astounding, far-reaching, and ages abiding, undiminished results of supreme satisfaction, conflicting, restricting the loveless who unjustly, tragically rejected the overtures and ownership of the One God Who is love.
    By the loving mercy and undeserved grace of our affectionate Abba, the Son of His love, and the Spirit of holiness, we have joined ourselves to this Selfsame One All-Glorious Triune God Who Is love having been made by Him in His image and being His faultless workmanship, Himself unfailingly working every detail of our lives and all history and transience of existence together for our good and His glory. We, as privileged partakers of His loving nature, by His rescue of redemption, His sure sanctification, His intimate intercession, His ardent advocacy, and His perfect priesthood, are one/One spirit/Spirit with the holy Trinity of loving infinity. 

    In that, the One and the only true and living God is love we exceedingly, eternally, richly revel and royally rejoice! Alleluia and Amen to the actuality of the Amen of Abba Almighty, our Amen, our Bridegroom King Christ Jesus!

  • Curleen Johnson says:


  • NICE ❤️🌷🌺

    Blessings 🫂 pk 🌎

  • Hermoso 😍💚🧡

  • BEAUTIFUL picture 🧡💛❤️

  • 💜💗❤️💚

    Blessed and Happy afternoon from 🇪🇦



  • 💚🧡💖💯

    Blessed and Happy afternoon 🌞🌈🇪🇸

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