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Revelation and the Way of Truth

“And I turned to see the voice which spoke with me. And having turned, I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of man…”
Revelation 1:12-13

Those who are true desire the truth. His living truth comes to those who walk and live in the Spirit. It comes at a cost and with the requirement for the individual to respond in order to receive its power. Any “truth” that does not require response and change is not living truth. It is in hearing and turning we are enabled to see. In turning from our ways and the current measure of truth we hold we are enabled to see Him anew.

It is in the hearing of His Word and responding from our hearts to the voice which calls us we see Him in a new and higher way. This turning causes the former things to pass away as we step into that which is new and living. Transition and repentance is the hallmark of those who desire The Way.

Those who walk in this living path become an antagonism to those who are static and set in something less than the “new” of God. God’s truth is one of a continual unveiling of the mysteries and glories of Christ and as such there is never a point of arrival; His Glory has no end! Eternity is not long enough to exhaust the wonders of our risen Lord. The scriptures are full of men and women who knew the Way of change and transition.


“I have heard of You by hearing of the ear, but NOW my eye has seen You; Therefore, I despise myself, and I have repented on dust and ashes”
Job 42:5-6 (LITV)

We must ever be going on. That which I know today must be eclipsed by a further seeing and knowing of Him. Those who are of the truth cannot abide in what they see now for within is the continual cry to see Him in a deeper and fuller way.


Consider Moses who saw such signs and wonders in his walk with God yet cried out at the end of his journey show me more of your glory.

“Lord Jehovah,
You have begun to show Your servant
Your greatness and Your mighty hand…”
Deuteronomy 3:24

Moses at the end of his life knew that all he had seen, heard and understood was the mere beginning of God’s glory. Do we not feel within our own heart of hearts the desire for “more of God”? Is there not an aching to go deeper and higher wherein dwell things which cannot be put into words?


Paul saw things, heard things, which could not be shared because of their inability to put them into the vernacular of man. How can men and women rest in the shallow waters of teachings and concepts (though good in themselves)? These things must become the bud of which the flower is produced, and the flower must give way to the fruit. and the fruit must give way to the seed so that it may replicate the wonder and glory of God in another heart. Such is the law of Life.


Ezekiel could not stop at the waters to the ankles, he could not linger in the waters to the knees, and the waters to the loins could not hold him from the depths of the “waters to swim in” (Ezekiel 47). Let us find grace to hear, to turn and to respond to the call of God to see Him anew. We are to be so struck with His Glory that the present place of abiding is merely a momentary one of provision to finish the race set before us. Let His hunger to fill our hearts with more of Him.

Relationship is the mystery of God into which we have been called; not things about God or even of God. The true heart cannot rest until it is found in Him and in Him we become new creations of wonder at which even the angels will marvel for ages to come.

“… that He might show, in the ages that are coming,
the exceeding riches of His grace
in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus ”
Ephesians 2:7

There are new glimpses of Him to be seen that the “exceeding riches of His grace” may be ours beyond the scope of our current experience. May we arise to walk in the greater things of Him. The present day experience is to be eclipsed in our hearing, in our seeing and in our turning afresh unto Him.



“And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee,
open his eyes, that he may see…”
2 King 6:17

Brian Troxel


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