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Love’s Pursuit

“Draw me…”
Song Of Songs 1:4

Singularity of heart is the result of a soul filled with God’s love. His Love is the thread that binds all other affections of the human heart and subjects them to the overwhelming passion of knowing Him. Whatever love rules an individual’s core will determine their pursuit, conduct, and eternal destiny.

To love self above God will eventually betray Him. Without His Love as the treasure and primary agent, our words will be hollow, and our lives will be insincere. There is something majestic that emanates from the life of one who is filled with the fire of His Love. It is selfless in motive, pure in purpose, and often offensive to those with a divided heart.

Even the disciples were offended by the lavish worship of Jesus by one who broke the alabaster box and poured its costly fragrance upon the head of Jesus.

“a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table. And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste?”
Matthew 26:7-8 (ESV)

Years ago, while reading this incident, I was struck with the thought that even His disciples could become hardened and insensitive to the worth of His person. The adage “familiarity breeds contempt” is true. When the luster of all that He is fades, and His loveliness ceases to grip our hearts, the attraction of other things competes for the affections of Him in our hearts; we become “double-souled” (Greek).

“…a double-minded man,
unstable in all his ways.”
James 1:8 (ESV)

In our day, one’s confession carries little weight as it is often only the facade of what one seeks to project. The verity of life is revealed in its conduct. Those in whom the Love of the Father dwells will love His children.

“Everyone believing that Jesus is the Christ has been generated from God. And everyone who loves Him who begets also loves the one who has been born of Him.”
1 John 5:1 (LITV)

There is a fragrance that cannot be hidden, an overriding passion to inspire others to the pure love of God. Love cannot abide alone. It cannot remain unaffected by the indolence of others. The press of His Love within seeks to inspire the pursuit of Him in all who would hear.

“Draw me, we will run after Thee…”
Song of Songs 1:4

May we touch the power and unction of such a declaration! “Draw ME, and WE will run after Thee.” His Love, being the primary pulse of a life, must influence others. The life that is focused upon Him will invariably culminate in others (WE) running after His person. The Love of God can never be held in selfishness. The nature of His Love produces sacrificial giving, and all who are governed by its gravitational pull must expend themselves to the degree of its influence.

In touching this single scripture in the Song of Songs, we can begin to feel the power of His Love drawing one into the “secret place” of intimacy and relationship:

“…the King hath brought me into His chambers”
Song of Songs 1:4

This longing was the anthem of one who had been brought into the sanctum of “His chambers,” the abode of an ever-deepening and personal relationship with Him. This was no casual association with the King of Kings. It was an intimate place of resting and longing for Him. The cry “draw me” arises from a heart that well knows its propensity to grow cold and indifferent. It is the prayer of one who fears their own unfaithfulness and seeks His Love to secure their pursuit of Him.

“we will be glad and rejoice in Thee”
Song of Songs 1:4

Once again, we see the personal pursuit of Him culminating in the WE. Those who abide in His chambers of love will seek out the fellowship of others bound together in His love. It is here that we begin to comprehend the secret and wonder of the true fellowship of His Spirit.

Life always interacts with Life. The Life of Him within seeks the Life of Him in others. The great Shepherd within always seeks out the wandering, the lost, the hurt, the offended, and the lethargic to inspire their own desire for Him.

“Draw me…”

“Draw me” is the prayer of those who contend for His life within, who daily battle the subtle indifference that would dim that flame through self-content with their own standing in God. It is the cry of those who know the deceitful slumber of lukewarmness, of coasting through life numb to the Love of God toward His creation.

“For the Son of man is come
to seek and to save that which was lost”
Luke 19:10

The Son of man in us will create the same heart. May we catch the tense of this important scripture “IS come.” He is ever coming, ever residing in the hearts of those who are the true members of His Body! They will reveal the life and the thoughts of Him, who is the Head, and the inspiration of His own.



“And WE will run after Thee”

Draw me until I am incapable of any other pursuit or desire and unable to find rest until all have felt the insatiable wonder of Thy Love abiding within.

We love Him
Because He first loved us,

We seek Him
Because He first sought us.

Related Post: A Heart Of Flame

“Draw me, we will run after Thee:
the King hath brought me into His chambers:
we will be glad and rejoice in Thee…”
Song of Songs 1:4

Brian Troxel


  • bornagain732 says:

    Good morning, brother! How are you doing?!
    “We love Him
    Because He first loved us,

    We seek Him
    Because He first sought us.”
    ❤️ 1 John 4:19! One day that verse “hit me upside the head”! I have and will continue to talk about it a lot to others! What a blessing to know the TRUTH of this verse from the Lord ❤️🙏🏻

  • Curleen Johnson says:


  • The Union of Love

    Song of Songs 7:10
    “I am my beloved’s,
    And His desire is for me.

    My paraphrased prayer of Song of Songs to Himself, the Song of Songs, for you and me:
    Set me as a sure seal of affirmation and affection over Your heart, as inseparably secure and safe on Your arm, for love is as vigorous and colossal as death, passionate, rapturous love unrelenting beyond Sheol. Real love’s flashes are flashes of fire—love ablaze, inextinguishable, the flaming fire of the ravishingly righteous eternal Bridegroom King of heaven!

    The One Beautiful Triune God Who Is Love, and that never out of proper proportion and beneficent balance to all His other attributes, is merciful and gracious. Our receptivity and responsiveness to the Holy Trinity of Living Infinity’s overtures of love are His undeserved mercy and unmerited grace. Unless He sovereignly draws us into the supremacy of all relationships, that of being the Beloved’s bride, we abide aloof from the nearest and dearest of persons, and the purest privilege and profoundest pleasure of knowing and going with Him, more beautiful than the sons of men.

    1 John 4:8, 16 AMPC
    8 He who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love.

    16 And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him.

    That Jesus as our holy Romancer, our Song of songs and Master Musician, our cherishing, ceaselessly compassionate Caregiver patiently, perseveringly woos and wows us this side of heaven for us to be His eternal companion, yeah, His worth suffering and dying for, being beautified bride even now, knowing perfectly from before the beginning of time every sin of omission and each sin of commission that would be intrinsically, individually ours, cannot be any less than because He Is Love unconditional.

    Spirit-inspired and governed emotionality, especially expressed emotion, is love’s lubricous lotion for the healing, healthy, holy personality, both ours, and others but the faithful functionality of liberating love is sustained and strengthened, and soars splendorously successfully by consciously cultivating careful, Christocentric choices.

    Choices for conscientious conformity to and closer communion with Christ come by Whom we habitually, with the eyes of our graced spirit, behold and therefore become like. When Christ is our Magnificent Obsession, He surely is our First Love. Being our First Love, hearts, and hopes raised to heaven, the Son of Abba’s love shining in our hearts and happenstance, the light of the knowledge of His glory, we stand and sing in the wide open, verdant fields of rich receptivity and right responsiveness to Him, of His wisdom, His wonder, and His winsomeness. His will is enthroned in our hearts as the One we know that we know, by His inimitable, indwelling, intimizing Spirit of revelation, is the everlastingly true, eternally unchanging King of hearts and holy happiness here and hereafter in heaven.

    2 Corinthians 3:18 AMPC
    And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.

    Romans 1:19-20 AMPC
    19 For that which is known about God is evident to them and made plain in their inner consciousness because God [Himself] has shown it to them.

    20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification],

    For every beloved reading this, I passionately pray that the fervent fire of Shulamite desire will burn ever brighter our Beloved’s beauty in your being as He excellently and extravagantly gives His ennobling superscendent Self to you.

    The link is to a song entitled Song of Solomon written and sung by Martin Smith

  • This is great! The King’s heart is deep & worth discovering.

    The kingdom is likened unto treasure hid in fields & merchant men seeking goodly pearls, both demanding hearts of passion. Blessings!

    • Brian T. says:

      So good to hear from you. I hope all is well. Those are some of my favorite parables… may we grow in this singular pursuit.


  • ❤️♥️💛💯

    Blessed and Happy day 🌞

    Greetings 👋🇪🇸

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